Example sentences of "[to-vb] gone [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This blockbuster may have been intended to rival Gone with the Wind but the result is sub-Dallas , sub-Dynasty .
2 The worst possible thing for me would have been to have gone through the half in 63 or 64 minutes , just being pulled along by a fast field , and then to have blown up over the second half . ’
3 Notwithstanding these excesses of zeal , the Evangelical Alliance booklet does not appear to have gone over the top .
4 Now it appears to have gone off the boil .
5 seem to have gone down the drain a bit .
6 The man is said to have gone into the post office , brandishing what appeared to be a handgun , then fled empty-handed when the female assistant ran into the rear of the premises .
7 The man is said to have gone into the post office , brandishing what appeared to be a handgun , then fled empty-handed when the female assistant fled into the rear of the premises .
8 An unknown number of East Germans were believed to have entered the West German mission in East Berlin , which was officially closed to the public , and others to have gone to the West German Embassy in Sofia , Bulgaria .
9 They were thought to have gone to the course to search for lost golf balls .
10 ‘ How was he ? ’ asked Rachel , pleased that Jimmy seemed to have gone to the hospital again of his own accord .
11 And then he ought to have gone to the husband and insisted on the wife being separately advised …
12 In the following days , groups of soldiers were reported to have gone on the rampage in Kinshasa , looting shops and businesses .
13 A civilian gunman is reported to have gone on the rampage at the base in Kentucky which houses the nation 's gold repository .
14 He was the kind of man Nigel would have liked to have gone on the pick-up with .
15 There can be little doubt that radicals would have liked to have gone beyond the sale of monastic land to a wider offensive against ecclesiastical property .
16 There are many references to our caves but the writers do not seem to have gone beyond the entrances and we are left wondering what they are like inside and most importantly whether they were ever lived in , and if so , by whom .
17 They went in great numbers ; in a period of sixty years in the last century , some 80,000 French Basques are estimated to have gone from the region , out of a total population at any one time of 112,000 .
18 Mel Pyatt , the Volvo spokesman said : ‘ It is all very sad ; loyalty seems to have gone by the board .
19 Well I was very lucky to have gone in the legs and not in the head !
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