Example sentences of "[to-vb] control of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The NPFL 's advance had enabled it to secure control of the port of Buchanan , 100 km south-east of Monrovia , after fierce fighting on May 23 .
2 His ‘ deepest motive was the drive for personal power ’ , and he worked tirelessly to concentrate control of the party into his own hands .
3 With the torn sail he was powerless to regain control of the glider .
4 Now this is the time when you must watch them , because it can take from two to two days , two hours from two , two hours to two days to regain control of the brain , depending on the person and if it 's , happens outside and they want to get away , stress the fact you get up and run under a bus and they do n't mean to obviously
5 As recently as 1949 a Dutch officer had committed some appalling massacres here in a misguided attempt to regain control of the colonies for Holland .
6 After years of frustrated attempts to regain control of the site , Hindu extremists brought the issue to an explosive head this year by threatening to tear down the crumbling mosque and build a temple devoted to Lord Rama .
7 I found it difficult to regain control of the beast .
8 The Pennsylvania contest was seen as crucial to the Republican Party 's efforts to regain control of the Senate in 1992 .
9 The authorities failed to regain control of the situation .
10 Over the next few hours , however , the latter were able to regain control of the situation and turn it to their advantage .
11 In 1922 , following a brief period of Home Rule Party — Sinn Féin rule , the abolition of proportional representation in Northern Ireland in local government elections and a readjustment of the ward boundaries enabled the Unionists to regain control of the corporation .
12 Treatment may include helping the person to regain control of the bladder with help from a community nurse or continence adviser .
13 In order that the system can meet the required standard of availability , and to simplify control of the archive , lexicographers are only presented with a sub-set of dictionary entries at any one time .
14 By 1987/88 the overall army head-count was 642,500 , including 6 armoured divisions , 4 mountain divisions ( to strengthen control of the north ) and 15 People 's Army brigades .
15 Kennan echoed MacArthur 's fears that the Russians were well placed to assume control of the whole of Korea .
16 This might be taken to imply that the surgery had prevented one side of the brain from attempting to assume control of the mechanisms for speech output .
17 It is for Vendor to take the risk of ‘ intervening events ’ — unless the Vendor is prepared to allow the Purchaser to assume control of the Business at exchange .
18 The ousted chief executive confirmed he 'll continue his fight to win control of the club from chairman Alan Sugar , and that he had full but anonymous financial backing to buy him out .
19 On June 6 , Serb forces reportedly agreed to cede control of the airport , apparently in return for Bosnian forces having lifted on June 5 the blockade of the Marshal Tito barracks in Sarajevo , under siege for a month .
20 The intention to run the jack of hearts on the second round was well thought out as it would have allowed declarer to retain control of the trump suit , even if the second trump trick had been lost .
21 Indeed , two of the three are offering a consultancy service to local authorities to help them to retain control of the service .
22 Furthermore , the announcement that the NSF would contest the free elections scheduled for April was greeted with consternation in many quarters , opponents depicting it as a ploy by communists to retain control of the country .
23 This prevents personal discussions and arguments developing freely and allows the Chair to retain control of the meeting .
24 Urbina said they had taken the embassy in protest against President Violeta Chamorro 's policy of allowing left-wing Sandinistas to retain control of the police and army after she had beaten them in elections in 1990. — AP
25 This might lead us to conclude that in the case where taxes can not bear the additional charges resulting from depreciation accounting ( which is another way of saying that there is not the political will to impose them ) , in order to retain control of the charge to revenue accounts , the existing system will remain .
26 That was the way to retain control of the job .
27 Sotheby 's B shares carry ten votes each and this , of course , will enable Taubman to retain control of the auction house which he purchased for £80 million in 1983 , unless the bank forecloses on the debt of Mr Taubman 's affiliate ( assumed to be his investments in the troubled retailing sectors ) for which 11 million of his Sotheby 's B shares stand guaranty .
28 Mr Hikmatyar is trying to wrest control of the capital from the defence minister , Ahmad Shah Masood .
29 The idea of Tyneside is at least as old as the middle of the nineteenth century when modern industrial interests combined with local radical politicians to wrest control of the river from the city of Newcastle which until then had exercised a medieval monopoly .
30 Mr Venables also held a news conference yesterday at which he vowed again that he would continue his fight to wrest control of the club from Mr Sugar .
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