Example sentences of "[to-vb] himself [prep] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Like most Birkbeck students , he was obliged to support himself by working at a job of some kind .
2 Cumberland decided that Wales was the more likely objective , though he tried to cover himself by arranging for the road between Buxton and Derby to be broken up by the Derbyshire militia to slow Charles down should he take it instead .
3 He had even tried to stretch himself by hanging from the limb of a tree by his hands until the skin on his palms was blistered .
4 On another occasion he bravely went on to the roof to assess the wind damage to his television aerial but slipped and just managed to save himself by clinging to the guttering — not however , before dislodging a slate which bulleted downward and sliced its way effortlessly into the bonnet of his neighbour 's brand new car to form a kind of dorsal fin .
5 The answer , we suggest , is that Wagner now represented precisely what Schopenhauer had been before : a lifeline to save himself from drowning in his professional specialization , as he went further and further out into it .
6 He only managed to save himself from falling into the sea by putting one foot on either side of the doorway .
7 He went to get up but his legs were numb from kneeling and he had to put his hand out to stop himself from tumbling into the water far below .
8 Then he slipped , and caught at the grass to stop himself from going to the bottom .
9 Albert was the first to know the Mr Gregory had lost his seat but had to restrain himself from swinging from the Assembly Rooms chandeliers in celebration .
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