Example sentences of "[to-vb] at home and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now I make enough money to pay others to help at home and queue for me .
2 ‘ This summer I decided to stay at home and present a jazz/big band summer course , similar to the programme at Appel Farm , having seen the progress made by the pupils in America . ’
3 People , they said , would do better to stay at home and contemplate the teachings of the Koran .
4 She found that domestic life imposed more constraints upon girls than upon boys , for they were expected to stay at home and help with housework .
5 Janice plans to stay at home and devote herself to looking after me and Kirsty . ’
6 Many of those women who choose to stay at home and bring up their children are made to feel guilty by outsiders ( often in the media ) implying that they ‘ should ’ be working .
7 The French also like to stay at home and prefer to take their leisure in their own country .
8 I know when we 've er sold the house , when our children all went and left us , the house was for three bedrooms , right , and I , I said to my husband I do n't want to stay here because they built the school outside behind our er , erm back yard , and every , all the rubbish that kids throw threw over and I said to him I do n't want to stay now kids , kids gone , children gone leave , left home , got married and went to off , I said I do n't want to live here , I do n't want to retire to , to stay at home and listen to the kids at school all day long and have the rubbish thrown over the hedge
9 I 'll have to give up work to stay at home and look after him . ’
10 Sometimes I think I should offer to stay at home and look after the wee fellow myself . ’
11 For I had to stay at home and look after me farm for .
12 He wanted her to stay at home and look after the children as much as she did ; he wanted her to be mainly interested in them .
13 Suddenly it is glamorous to appear nice and normal , and those who used to want to run the boardroom or run away to Paris now want to stay at home and watch programmes like Roseanne and Kate And Allie — new cult programmes that offer a cosy and entirely spurious view of family life .
14 The others , he paid to stay at home and practise .
15 So perhaps the moral for itinerant artists is to stay at home and work with what you know .
16 Some had very young children and ( like many mothers of young babies ) felt they ought to stay at home and care for them .
17 You 've got to stay at home and have children — men ca n't have them .
18 We buy theatre tickets and have the restaurant booked when , if we stopped and checked what we actually wanted to do , we might find we would much prefer to stay at home and have an early night . ’
19 It is women who have to go alone ; whose lovers do not have the patience to wait at home and pray for them .
20 not content to sit at home and wait for things to happen to her .
21 For him this convenience has been largely a negative factor for he thought of America as offering no other comparable diversion ; there were ‘ no beer gardens — no public concerts ’ and the question he asked was ‘ Who wants to sit at home and play bridge every night ? ’
22 But it 's ever so easy for somebody to sit at home and say well you should be doing this and you should be doing that
23 It was horrible , but we were teenage fools and we wanted to sit at home and do big grown-up things .
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