Example sentences of "[to-vb] the need for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Campbell described the authority 's attitude as ‘ wholly intransigent ’ and said that the county refused to acknowledge the need for negotiation .
2 To emphasise the need for trust between lovers . ’
3 The report went on to comment on the absence of objective criteria for setting health priorities and to emphasise the need for health service research to be multidisciplinary .
4 The report sought ‘ to reflect the organic relationship between the various aspects of English and to emphasise the need for continuity in their development through school life ’ .
5 Clearly , formulations of gist and upshot are important in written and formal spoken discourse too , although there the task of the sender is much harder , as he or she has to estimate the need for reformulation at any given point .
6 But he is ready to accept the need for air power to be brought into play against the Serbs to enforce the UN no fly zone over Bosnia .
7 He is now ready to accept the need for air power to be brought into play against the Serbs to enforce the UN no fly zone over Bosnia .
8 Their experience of programming and software engineering enables them to accept the need for discipline and good design , and to understand the problems of handling really large documents .
9 Therefore , if if the panel were minded to accept the need for Policy E two we 'd have we we consider that there needs to be changes to the wording er in in order erm to make it less restrictive .
10 In terms of cross-platform integration , Lotus in particular has aimed to meet the need for spreadsheet implementations on a range of hardware platforms , while others , such as Microsoft , have focused on the PC world .
11 A new HNC is being developed to meet the need for technician engineers with skills in electronics , computing and mechanical engineering , in other words , in the new interdisciplinary approach to engineering called mechatronics .
12 This shows that the gold and silver available to the Roman state was quite inadequate to meet the need for coinage , and that expenditure greatly outstripped income .
13 I want a health service run as a public service to meet the need for health care , not to cater for market demand .
14 The Department is urgently considering British Rail 's proposals to meet the need for replacement rolling stock on the London-Tilbury and Southend line by transferring relatively new class 321 and class 315 rolling stock from other lines after resignalling on the London-Tilbury and Southend line is complete .
15 If the second reminder produces no result or the reply to either reminder seems to indicate the need for court intervention the matter will be referred to a master or district judge , who will have the power to issue a summons for the solicitors of one or both sides to come and explain matters .
16 The objective behind TAURUS is to eliminate the need for share certificates and transfer forms , or ‘ dematerialisation ’ of the paper-based system .
17 The new regulations were , at first , systematically evaded by all those with vested interests and he recognized that to pursue the path he had begun he was going to have to reinforce the need for change again and again .
18 In this introductory discussion , my concern has been to stress the need for empathy and the difficulties in achieving it in relation to old people .
19 We shall continue to stress the need for transparency and a level playing field .
20 The effect of these riders was to stress the need for certainty in decision making .
21 Is it not time to look afresh at the foundations of our laws in relation to mental illness with a view to making the central focus that of providing a framework whereby those whose judgment is so impaired by their illness that they are unable to recognise the need for treatment will receive such treatment in as humane , sensitive and effective a way as possible .
22 Local class conflict sometimes makes it difficult for communities to recognise the need for solidarity in dealing with external factors .
23 It forced many Japanese to recognize the need for reform and a strong national government which might achieve for Japan a better deal in external relations .
24 For the US there is still time , through the negotiations in Geneva , to display a flexible attitude and to bring about at least a reduction in the number of SS-20s , and hence to reduce the need for cruise .
25 And now erm draft advice in P P G thirteen emphasizes the need to reduce the need for travel .
26 This prospect has led to a retrenchment in state pension provision and an emphasis on informal caring systems , two attempts to reduce the need for society to foot the bill of its ageing population .
27 The promotion of positive lifestyles through health education , health surveillance , and screening to reduce the need for in-patient and residential care .
28 Work organizations are only now beginning to appreciate the need for tension release , for creating regular opportunities to ‘ let it all out ’ at seminars , dinners , training courses , rituals , ceremonies , etc .
29 For the politicians , and for those in charge of broadcasting , the problem was how to reconcile the need for accountability on the part of the broadcasters with their need for a maximum degree of autonomy so as to be able to carry out their work without undue political or other constraints .
30 Still to be determined are the value of a low-dose booster vaccine , possibly intradermal ; monitoring of quantitative anti-HBs at five or more years to assess the need for revaccination ; and an automatic booster at five or more years without benefit of pre- or post-testing .
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