Example sentences of "[to-vb] opportunity for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Is he not still missing the real point if he really wants to do something radical to promote opportunities for people at work , and create rights for citizens at work to ownership and participation in decision-making at the place of work ?
2 The authority will not only need to provide opportunities for development in schools in the form of in-service training opportunities and ‘ non-contract ’ periods but also to anticipate an adverse reaction from schools who believe that the outward referral of their pupils is the only acceptable solution to their troubles .
3 Since it is one of the most natural of all pleasures , the Church should not be afraid to provide opportunities for enjoyment of it in worship .
4 The Teenact Theatre Company , based in York , exists to provide opportunities for youngsters in the performing arts .
5 The efficiency of the Magistrates ' courts , the tensions between the Probation Service and the Crown Court over social inquiry reports , and the need to widen opportunities for members of ethnic minorities , were examples of the kind of item which exercised officials in recent times .
6 Attempts to enhance opportunities for girls in traditionally male subject areas include GIST ( Girls Into Science and Technology ) , GATE ( Girls and Technology Education ) , and GAMMA ( Girls and Mathematics Association ) .
7 We need also to identify opportunities for enrichment in older age , promote them , and defend them if they are misguidedly attacked .
8 It is Government policy to continue to extend opportunity for students in that way .
9 People naturally want to retire and it is therefore important to offer opportunities for fulfilment in leisure , education and voluntary activities and to recognise the valuable role played by older people within the family .
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