Example sentences of "[to-vb] sure that [pers pn] did " in BNC.

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1 So the policy makers , the planners ( and the academics ? ) all sought to make sure that they did not influence the situation in Dunrossness .
2 We therefore would need to do some quite careful accounting in order to make sure that we did n't contravene that erm , the , the requirement of the Trustee Investment Act in the future .
3 But erm it just er hopefully because yeah but really they 're just trying to investigate to make sure that we did n't act fraudulently in any way .
4 The house screws would stand out on the avenue to make sure that you did n't stop and talk .
5 That 's why I wanted to make sure that you did n't say anything about it to Dawlish . ’
6 okay , which would be an option to make sure that you did n't have to resort to this three thousand pounds a year
7 After haggling with the airline official and trying to make sure that I did n't have to pay the charges with foreign currency , the woman in charge suddenly said : ‘ All right , pay in Iraqi dinars ! ’
8 And I scratched it on there to make sure that I did n't forget it .
9 Tony Jacklin had won the 1960 Open and the 1970 US Open , and his huge British following was going to make sure that he did what they 'd hoped he 'd do in 1970 at St Andrews , and win the 1971 Open at Birkdale .
10 Ellen was showing Rickie Crowninshield all the elaborate electronic toys that only Ellen wholly understood ; the radios , radars , weatherfaxes and satellite receivers , and Rickie was being surprisingly attentive , but as soon as he saw me he scowled and clamped a pair of headphones over his ears as though to make sure that he did not have to hold any kind of conversation with me .
11 She kept her eyes lowered to make sure that she did not look at me at this moment , at my own quite irrelevant scars .
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