Example sentences of "[to-vb] sure [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The standard tactics were explained — alerting the membership in each union , by letter or leaflet , dispatching activists to local branches to pass resolutions supporting the paper and to make sure they got on the agenda of the union 's conferences .
2 Travelling with the two sergeants is a back up team from RAF Hereford … they 're job is to make sure they stay on course and on time for a finish on Friday afternoon
3 For example , we now brief recruits on their rights and tell them and encourage them to actually come forward with their complaints , we very carefully brief and select our N C Os , we have open days for parents , we bring parents in so that they can feel part of the set up right from the start and so that their sons join the army and they tell their other friends to make sure they do to .
4 We have to make sure we deserve to be second after 46 games .
5 We have to make sure we deserve to be second after 46 games .
6 The progress in achieving this aim is astonishing — and News and Current Affairs is working closely with Bush House to make sure we build on that success .
7 Erm right well I think the thing to do is , on beyond that is to make sure we work through the checklist .
8 We were using it for drunk driving offenders and repeat traffic offenders , not so much because I felt they were the only people who were appropriate for it , but because we wanted to make sure we started with a group who were not likely to get into major trouble should the project not work out .
9 My ambition at the moment is to make sure I qualify for this year 's Open Championship . ’
10 But I 'll be out to make sure I stay in the side . ’
11 ‘ My parents left enough money to make sure I went to the same school as Elise , but I was never the academic type — too fond of games .
12 from you , then you get changed and then go , but , last week he took the car , cos when I got home , first I was late last Wednesday , well I say late , I did n't get back here , erm , until seven , so by the time I got home it was quarter past seven and I have to make sure I get to Weightwatchers between seven and eight .
13 I just try to make sure I look at the person I 'm talking to , and show them I 'm interested .
14 'You want to make sure I look like the guilty party if anything goes wrong .
15 People would send cars up that rough track to Low Birk Hatt to make sure I travelled in style .
16 You can explore the majesty of St Peter 's , marvel at Michelangelo 's Sistine Chapel and remember to throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain to make sure you return to this fascinating city .
17 How to make sure you stick to your diet
18 Let me watch to make sure you come to no harm . ’
19 To make sure you qualify for the Midland Student Service , please check the eligibility terms on the reverse of this leaflet .
20 So you need to make sure you know about all the debts which is why if you ever read the papers some Never understand why people read the public notices columns but they are read and you see notice about so and so who 's died .
21 To make sure you get to this dinner tonight . ’
22 I 'll be following soon enough to make sure you get to your room and have that bite o ’ supper .
23 Installation of the program is straightforward , but you do need to make sure you have at least 3.5MB of free hard disk space and a minimum 150K of free RAM in order to accommodate it — not a lot when you consider the amount of data contained within .
24 ( But do n't forget that you still need to make sure you start with the right sum insured and to tell us if you improve your home or add to your possessions . )
25 For a start , there 's a whole team of people who work to make sure it happens in the first place .
26 A delegation from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party ( DPP ) , was in Singapore to try to make sure it stuck to that pledge .
27 The Council says it 'll be monitoring sound volume to make sure it keeps to within agreed levels .
28 Er it might be having someone making sure the out of the way , to make sure it looks as those there 's mil that there 's someone in , in or out the house .
29 " Everything has to be done as quickly as possible ; the only time we spend extra hours in the garden is over the few weeks we are entering competitions , just to make sure it looks at its best , " says Barbara .
30 He used his nimbleness to make sure he got onto the sofa first , and to be first upstairs at bedtime to claim his sleeping place .
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