Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] a long period " in BNC.

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1 They bridge the gap between the desire of lenders to be able to get their money back quickly , and the desire of borrowers to borrow for a long period .
2 At a buffet you ensure that elderly and infirm guests , and those who have travelled long distances , have seats near the buffet table so that they are not obliged to stand for a long period .
3 It was to lead to a long period of self-confessed misery for her , including beatings by her tranquilliser-addicted mother and spells of being locked naked with her sister in cupboards .
4 Several transplants have been tried before , but this is the first time they have continued to function for a long period , according to the researchers at the University of Alberta , in Edmonton .
5 By the last decade of Henry VIlI 's reign , if not before , England was beginning to recover from a long period of population decline .
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