Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pos pn] fingers [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Though now , as Liz recited names of guests , she saw Charles drift away into what she took to be some private realm of financial speculation and morose managerial debate : he started to bite the inside of his lip , as he did when preoccupied , and to drum his fingers on the silvery-yellow brocade of the settee .
2 Denis returned to his seat , but before he could frame a new approach Josh Cohen started to drum his fingers on the tea-chest , looking about him and nodding his head in a calculating manner .
3 ‘ She still manages to stick her fingers in the swabs with monotonous regularity , then she says ‘ Ooops ! ’ , grins and chucks them out and opens another pack . ’
4 I hurry on past — I do n't want to put my fingers through the glass .
5 and , you know , they 'll be tempted to put their fingers in the till and , and pilfer from work and , and , and
6 Hrun heaved , and managed to hook his fingers under the stone .
7 In any case , for all Mr Graham 's scepticism , I can remember he and I spending many evenings trying to put our fingers on the constitution of this ‘ dignity ’ .
8 ‘ She wants to tell us to sit up straight and not to put our fingers on the nice furniture . ’
9 His tousled hair gave him an appealingly boyish appearance , and Robbie found herself aching to smooth it for him , to run her fingers over the dark stubble on his cheeks .
10 He made a swift circuit of the room , studying the read-outs of each station , pausing only once , to run his fingers across the MultiCray input terminal .
11 It was infuriating that she should need this arrogant cynic who only had to snap his fingers for the world to leap to attention , anxious to please .
12 But while the movie has its moments , with Christopher Walken particularly impressive as a predatory aristocrat eager to sink his fingers into the sulky flesh of Rupert Everett , this is a pretty clunking effort .
13 Anne tried to get her fingers into the jamb , but could not .
14 Unconsciously she slid one hand up his back to twist her fingers in the jet-black hair brushing the collar of his jacket .
15 Not the splashers on of paint and not the witty designers of operatic sets , not those who claim to have their fingers on the pulse of things and not those who shut themselves up and ignore the world .
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