Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [pron] hope that " in BNC.

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1 I must tell the House and the Minister that there are only 15 minutes left for this debate ; other hon. Members wish to participate and I hope that they will get the chance to do so .
2 Indeed the Court of Appeal in Phekoo expressed the opinion that it only applied to rape but I hope that one might interpret that to mean ‘ rape-like offences ’ , that is all offences where the mistake in question relates to a circumstance qualified by mens rea .
3 There is nothing more to say except I hope that their year of office will be filled with happiness and wish them well with all their endeavours on behalf of Council .
4 Not only to advocate the giving of second chances but also to say that I hope that Shaun and the rest manage to get themselves out of the rut they 've dug for themselves .
5 I do not wish to oppose the previous order , although it is debatable — merely to refer to it in passing , to say that I hope that , when the Select Committee on Health takes evidence on the national health service trusts , no witnesses will be intimidated by threats of disciplinary action intended to prevent them from giving evidence .
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