Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] they want [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Speakers express their message in terms of their own perceptions and within their own frame of reference without making any attempt to relate what they want to say with what the other person is likely to hear .
2 I know that Quins have been heavily criticised for fielding weak teams in league games , but it is an amateur sport and they are entitled to select whomsoever they want to see out there .
3 They were taken on full-time , they left college , and they want to do whatever they want to do .
4 There are days when some of our residents are quite determined that you are going to enable them to do what they want to do , even though what they want to do is completely ridiculous , like going out in the rain without a coat on .
5 Men are taught from their earliest days to value autonomy , the right to do what they want to do , when they want to do it .
6 That 's that 's part of , of presumably , one of the objections from the U K Government , erm , that essentially , it 's saying that that these arguments ca n't be , justified on health and safety grounds and that that the approach , de-regulation and freedom in the market to al allow people to do what they want to do , which is the fact that they , if they want to work twelve hours , then presumably the Government and yourself are supporting that that freedom .
7 They use the miracles to illustrate what they want to say about Jesus .
8 We 're quite happy to enable anybody to do anything they want to do .
9 Now is this a suggestion the thin end of the wedge , that we now start taking away the authority of our service committees to decide what they want to do , and have to pass it back up the line for decisions to be made , because quite frankly , I do n't want to come down here five days a week , ten hours a day for full council meetings .
10 just so can we get back to research about beginners because I 'm worried about how much there is on the tape and you 're about to drive to Pitlochrie erm basically you have to define a beginner to see what they want to do
11 Well they want to move it they want to develop the area and er now they 're talking as well about taking the trees out from around there too which is really getting up people 's noses it would seem .
12 When you see her being bossy , you can intervene in a way that lets her see that the other children need a chance to say what they want to do .
13 Ms Devonald said : ‘ The competition will help the young people to say what they want to know about smoking , which will help them and other classes in the school to be better informed about smoking . ’
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