Example sentences of "[pos pn] lack of [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 I had dis-ease , manifest by cancer , but my mind , my attitudes , my lack of love for myself and for others all needed attention .
2 For all my lack of enthusiasm for the Hayes Society , it is my belief that this particular pronouncement at least was founded on a significant truth .
3 He did n't seem to take offence at my lack of enthusiasm for the system which had made religion into something you did in your home or in private or at its most social — in the privacy of a cubicle in Major TOM .
4 The biggest single limitation in our current capabilities is the slowness of operation of the PS/2 model 30s as network stations , and their lack of memory for some high-performance software , such as the PANDORA database system .
5 They went on playing traditional sevens and as they were not inconvenienced by their one weakness , which is their lack of appetite for scrummaging , they played everybody else off the colony by an even larger margin than usual .
6 As good students of Lenin , the Romanian leaders needed no reminding of the short-sighted lust for profit of many capitalists and their lack of concern for the public interest , in their own countries or abroad .
7 Their lack of enthusiasm for the venture obviously disgusted him .
8 We also heard an interesting contribution by the hon. Member for Mid-Kent ( Mr. Rowe ) , who strongly criticised the Government for what he described as their extraordinary ’ confusion ’ over the channel tunnel route and their lack of strategy for rail freight .
9 Ruthie folded her arms , as if to emphasize her lack of responsibility for the shop she was minding .
10 Like Finn , she believed that Lydia had now relented , mistaking her lack of interest for compliance , which led to further misunderstandings at bedtime when Lydia told Finn that he was to sleep in the tiny room where she kept the oil lamps which was furnished with a camp bed and sleeping-bag .
11 One can well understand , of course , her lack of desire for another child when they already had eight to feed and clothe , and naturally she can have had no idea of the effect on Eileen of her casually spoken words .
12 SmartStream 's biggest drawback is its lack of support for IBM Corp mid-range AS/400 and RS/6000 systems .
13 SmartStream 's biggest drawback is its lack of support for IBM mid-range AS/400 and RS-6000 systems .
14 Yury Prokofyev , leader of the Moscow party organization , and Shenin resigned from the politburo on Aug. 22 , in protest against its lack of support for the SCSE .
15 The anxiety was more one of style , about its bureaucracy , its lack of enthusiasm for social and economic change and its susceptibility to venality and materialism ( most clearly expressed in its use of Joint Fund money ) .
16 ( The commission 's difficulties in running the Euratom laboratories may explain its lack of enthusiasm for the infrastructure of industrial innovation . )
17 She boiled at his lack of thought for her and replied , louder than she had intended that indeed he had , that , unlike last year , there was a choice .
18 The attack on Birkenhead was especially revealing ; it centred on his lack of gravity in the highest legal office , but it was occasioned too by his lack of concern for party in the excitement of office .
19 He was no better than Stair , or Havvie , in his lack of concern for the feelings of those about him , he thought .
20 This may account for his lack of concern for the organisation of people .
21 But his lack of affection for her did n't lessen her love for him , nor did she give up hope that she would one day be able to make him feel genuinely fond of her .
22 In the event , Tyndale 's unorthodox beliefs and his lack of support for the annulment prevented him from having any direct impact on royal policy .
23 He disarmingly admitted his lack of preparation for the huge range of problems with which he had to grapple .
24 They disliked his aggression , his finesse , his lack of respect for tradition , his obsession with media coverage .
25 His prominence in his time and his lack of consequence for it both derive ultimately from his pleasant mediocrity .
26 The Minister has also criticised our lack of proposals for individual units , but when we table questions to get information on which to base proposals , which perhaps we will be implementing in six months ' time , we can not get proper answers from the Government .
27 Certainly , it was impossible with the gear we had , and certainly with our lack of skill for getting to a positive point on the Earth that could do some good .
28 Elderly people are systematically marginalised and elder abuse is an extreme example of our lack of concern for elderly people and those who care for them .
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