Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] relation to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 McCann explores the backgrounds , inner conflicts and rise to stardom of the three , comparing their tormented relation to Hollywood and each other .
2 It was the enlightened afrancesados who were to confuse political issues by their peculiar relation to liberalism .
3 She 'd come into the women 's group after the others had spent some time talking about their individual relations to femaleness ; feminism for her was a safe place , a rhetoric spoken to her by other women , a description they made of her , a set of ideas they had worked out and which she acquired to wear as a badge .
4 But it is accepted by physicalists of all kinds that the meaning or semantic value of internal states must be analysed in terms of their causal relations to stimulus and response , just as it is for the behaviourist 's dispositions , and is not something they possess in their own right , or of themselves .
5 It seems to me that the impossibility of desire , and its exclusive relation to fantasy , has to be qualified in the face of the possibility — always implied by interruption — of resumption , of a return to normal service .
6 But in none of the above cases do the manoeuvres by which the main character resists her passive relation to language engage her in active polemic with other texts .
7 Angular momentum does indeed come in packets of unc and its true relation to n is that in a state whose energy is given by [ 5 ] the electron can have an angular momentum of anything Iron zero up to ( n — 1 ) packets of h .
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