Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [conj] putting [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Help me , Ashley , ’ I said , closing my eyes and putting my head on her shoulder .
2 Taking the score out of my brief-case and putting it on the podium : that is not my way .
3 I quickly declined his offer by shaking my head and putting my hands above my head in mock surrender .
4 Once he 'd gone , I was approached by a woman who started rubbing my stomach and putting her hand down my trousers , which I must say was enough to make me say yes immediately .
5 ‘ People have very quickly got used to the idea of crushing their cans and putting them in the special bins provided .
6 Carolyn smiled , sipping at her tea and putting it down because it was , in fact , cold .
7 People were stamping their feet and putting their hands in their armpits against the chill of an open , starry night .
8 She silenced him before he could speak , shaking her head and putting her finger before her lips .
9 She kept fidgeting with her bonnet , dropping her hat-pin , taking off her gloves and putting them on again .
10 ‘ Oh , Bully , ’ cried Angela happily , holding the alsatian 's great head between her hands and putting her face close to his , ‘ I 'll never call you a bad dog again .
11 Using the trowel she chipped at the ground outside the door , prising cold earth from among the prickly stems and broken bricks , gathering it with her hands and putting it into the bucket .
12 ‘ I did , ’ she said , taking the fag from behind her ear and putting it in her mouth .
13 He looked at the woman , patting her shoulder and putting his glass on the mantelpiece again , " Allow me ma 'm . "
14 Now , arriving in the safety of her own room , Maggie undressed , folding her clothes and putting them away with an unusual neatness for a fifteen year-old .
15 By the final scene , however , we infer his dislike of McKendrick from the fact that having seriously impinged on his negative face by placing Hollar 's thesis in his briefcase and putting him into a situation of considerable personal danger , he makes no apology for his action whatsoever .
16 He was obviously embarrassed at his lack of preparedness and when he saw me glance involuntarily at my watch he grew more agitated , pulling his pipe from his mouth and putting it back in again , tucking the hammer under his arm , rummaging in a large box of matches .
17 Wondering , Merrill stood up , and Luke slipped into the chair , drawing her down on to his knees and putting his arms around her .
18 He folded me into his body and putting his lips against my hair , whispered , ‘ Your Mom died , Lynne . ’
19 ‘ It was n't me , ’ a man can say after some foul abomination such as hitting his wife or putting his penis in a prostitute 's dribbling mouth , ‘ It was n't really me .
20 The carer has to be involved in this process , so that every time the patient washes his face , hands or body , you help and remind him to do so correctly , without increasing his spasticity or putting himself into danger through careless movements .
21 ‘ Oh , sure , ’ he says , sliding down into his armchair and putting his feet on the bookcase — he is not wearing socks , Howard notices .
22 It is simply a method of inhibiting or stopping your debtor from cashing in his assets and putting them out of your reach before you have had a chance to recover what is owed to you .
23 ‘ I imagined my father sitting in this enormous building doing nothing but taking off his socks and putting them on again .
24 His sacrifice for us and our receiving and putting our trust in him .
25 I mean I 've had it since , I remember getting , washing me nappies and putting them on there
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