Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] before they were " in BNC.

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1 I have never actually used these for help or advice myself , as I was aware of my infection before they were formed and had by then come to terms with it .
2 She tried to regroup her scattered brain tissue , pulling back pieces of her mind before they were lost for ever .
3 Huge queues formed outside shops as people tried to spend all their savings before they were devalued .
4 A criticism of the 1990–91 NHS reforms was the absence of pilot schemes to test their efficiency before they were introduced generally .
5 England were put in and saw half their wickets fall for 96 in half their overs before they were rescued by 71 from Lamb and 50 from Jack Richards , with the spinners chipping in as well .
6 The besieger had become the besieged , and Matilda had only escaped because of the gallant rearguard action of her half-brother , Robert , Earl of Gloucester , as they fought their way out of their castle before they were starved out .
7 ‘ Natty suddenly called out , ‘ Look massa ’ ; in an instant the air before us seemed literally filled with a dense mass of these birds , which had suddenly rose from under the trees at his exclamation ; we had scarcely time to raise our guns before they were seventy or eighty yards off ; our united discharge , however , brought down eight additional specimens , all of which being merely winged and fluttering about , attracted the attention of our kangaroo dogs , and it was with the greatest difficulty that they could be prevented from tearing them to pieces ; in the midst of the scramble , a kite , with the utmost audacity , came to the attack , and would doubtless , in spite of our presence , have carried off his share , had not the contents of my second barrel stopped his career .
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