Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] be fixed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My mind was fixed on the tribunal most of the day , then I spent four hours travelling up for what I thought would be a place on the bench .
2 On my first acquaintance with the mad little road , in about 1950 , I had no feelings of affection for it nor any eye for the beauty all around , my gaze being fixed on the tarmac ahead as I dragged weary legs along it .
3 My attention was fixed on Toby , still sitting by the window .
4 The scope of their action is fixed by universally applicable criteria .
5 He had a think , and blew his nose , noticing after a moment that her mind was fixed on his words in a way that made him feel quite light .
6 While her back legs trampled the pups in the box , her gaze was fixed on the door through which Lady had passed to the freedom of the yard .
7 However , one inexpensive precaution is to apply self-adhesive warning stickers on the glass at eye level : for example , on a patio door which someone might inadvertently walk or run into while their attention is fixed on the garden beyond .
8 The earth is the resource base for human life ; its nature is fixed by physical processes — which can be altered both endogenously ( within the physical system ) and exogenously ( by human action ) — but identification of aspects of the environment as a resource is a human creation .
9 So either we shall have to disallow such a possibility and decree that nothing qualifies as a genuine proposition unless its truth-value is fixed for all time , i.e. that all propositions are what is sometimes called " eternal " propositions , or we shall have to accept that truth-value is not an integral part of the objective propositional content .
10 In 1731 its strength was fixed at over 132,000 men : by 1796 ( i.e. before Russia had begun to play an active part in the struggle against the French Revolution ) it numbered 458,000 .
11 Her face was fixed with a strange expression , eyes open , lips parted .
12 Under cover of the porridge business , when all his attention was fixed on Finn , Melanie dared look at her uncle at last .
13 Although the amount of his fine was fixed at 2,000 marks as early as October 1292 , he remained in prison in the Tower and later in Winchester Castle till 1294 , when his release was obtained in return for a promise by Henry and his sureties to pay the fine off at the rate of 300 marks a year .
14 However hard he strove , his destiny was fixed at birth by his parents ' position , and such limited social mobility as might be achieved was rationalized ( and thus concealed ) in the language of kinship .
15 By that time his feelings of resentment against his mother were fixed for life , and the imaginative intensity with which he called up the Devon landscape as a lost Eden of content had become a habit of mind .
16 ‘ I 've just come for the skirt your mum 's fixed for me , ’ she said .
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