Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [vb mod] provide the " in BNC.

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1 Where the object is on loan to a public collection , the Inland Revenue considers that the owner or his or her agent should provide the curator 's address or telephone number .
2 The online catalogue , unlike its predecessor should provide the user with the opportunity for search negotiation ; i.e. , the system should assist in the formulation of the compromised need ( Q4 ) so that the system can be searched not only more efficiently but also so that the compromised need satisfies the visceral need ( Q1 ) .
3 However , while the resolution of the immediate crises in the user 's life and the provision of a counselling service to help users think objectively about their position may provide the ‘ ideal conditions ’ for coming off , users must still come to terms with their addiction , their lifestyle and whether the alternatives on offer hold sufficient promise .
4 In striking down the law Duplantier made it clear that he hoped that his decision would provide the opportunity for the Supreme Court to overturn the landmark 1973 judgement Roe v. Wade which provided the foundation of legal abortion in the US .
5 Expectations were that it would not be possible to bring forward legislation until the next session of parliament but Mr McFall is hoping that his bill will provide the Government with an earlier opportunity to act and prove ministers are serious about their declared intention to crack down on crime .
6 At a conference of the Foreign Ministers of the EEC states in Rome the following month Carrington made a general proposal for the conclusion of an international treaty guaranteeing Afghanistan 's status as a ‘ neutral ’ state , which in his view would provide the Soviet Union the possibility of withdrawing its troops on a legal basis in light of the United Nations ' resolution on this issue .
7 If you have access to such an instrument and you suspect Hexamita infection , then careful examination of your specimen should provide the evidence you require to confirm or refute your suspicions .
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