Example sentences of "[vb mod] benefit [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fast-food chain McDonald 's should benefit from recent publicity for its plan to cut 80 per cent of waste from its 11,000 US restaurants and distribution depots by using less ( and recycled ) packaging and by encouraging outlets to use compost heaps .
2 Shareholders of both companies should benefit from future cost reductions as duplication of operations within the merged group are eliminated .
3 You know , you pay V A T on everything , er , so consumers would benefit , alright , in er , protecting countries , tax payers should benefit in protected countries .
4 Over-anxious competitors may benefit by practising meditation .
5 Originally a forest dwelling species , pigs may benefit from sylvopastoral system by the provision of a more natural environment .
6 Some healthy people with HIV who have HIV-induced damage to their immune systems may benefit from anti-viral drugs like AZT .
7 Lessees may benefit from other services provided by lessors , particularly from ‘ captive ’ lessors ( ie leasing subsidiaries of manufacturers ) .
8 The aims were to give families reproductive choice in future pregnancies ; to enable them to plan for the future with a child with a disability ; to avoid the experience of a prolonged diagnosis ; and to identify a presymptomatic cohort who may benefit from future treatments .
9 There are some encouraging signs that they may benefit from rigorous application of competition policy .
10 Smokers and ex-smokers make up a subgroup at increased risk for development of adenocarcinoma in Barrett 's oesophagus ; those patients with specialised type metaplasia and who may benefit from surgical intervention warrant regular endoscopy and biopsy whereas non-smokers are at low risk .
11 These included giving families reproductive choice in future pregnancies , enabling them to plan for the future with a disabled child , avoiding the experience of a delayed diagnosis , and identifying a presymptomatic cohort who might benefit from future treatments .
12 Countries like Britain , which might benefit from different allocations of the budget to which they contribute so disproportionately , are thus penalised both positively and negatively .
13 If you find yourself panting after climbing the stairs , or stiff after unaccustomed physical work , such as gardening , it 's nature 's way of telling you that you could benefit from extra exercise .
14 Services the council provides which we think could benefit from extra resources .
15 Two two three , the new highway schemes may provide major development opportunities and for the two thousand and six town plan , the county will allocate sites which could benefit from new road access .
16 We have come back believing that other children in our school could benefit from similar group physical programmes .
17 The second concession was to exempt from most GATT rules those developing countries who could benefit from preferential trade arrangements offered by some rich countries , such as the European Community 's Lomé Conventions , or by regional agreements like the Latin American Free Trade Area ( LAFTA ) or the Central American Common Market ( CACM ) , both established in 1960 .
18 Motorists would benefit in other ways too , eg. the difficulty of overtaking a cyclist on narrow streets when something is coming from the opposite direction .
19 Treating eye , kidney , and foot lesions early in diabetic patients can prevent blindness , renal failure , and amputation , and the sheer number of patients who would benefit from early diagnosis means that general practitioners have to play a part .
20 They would benefit from real exchange-rate stability within the European monetary area without having to surrender all discretion over monetary policy — which , even if desirable , would not be feasible .
21 ‘ I 've got a list a lot longer than my arm of projects which would benefit from financial support , ’ he said .
22 This was perhaps predictable , since the Department of the Environment , in approving designations , wanted to declare vacant or derelict land as enterprise zones , thus avoiding the incorporation of existing companies , which would benefit from financial incentives , into designations .
23 It is certainly the case that urban areas such as inner Liverpool would benefit from private sector involvement and a stronger economic base but as Barnekov , Boyle and Rich ( 1989 ) point out this is little more than a truism .
24 President Alfredo Cristiani Burkard claimed that the FMLN had failed to provide specific data which would allow the government to determine how many of its members would benefit from various government programmes .
25 Managers accept the hospital would benefit from complete modernisation .
26 It claimed customers would benefit from new EC regulations by shopping around the Continent to find the lowest car prices .
27 In relatively recent years the Court of Appeal had emphasised the dangers of ‘ instant justice , ’ stressing the need for reflection and to consider whether the alleged contemnor would benefit from legal advice .
28 Clearly Water Newton had a range of burial traditions which would benefit from modern excavation and research .
29 People being assessed are also offered an advocacy service in case they feel that they would benefit from additional support .
30 Women who grow excess facial and body hair often find that their confidence is so destroyed that they would benefit from psychological counselling , according to the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin .
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