Example sentences of "[vb mod] i put [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 May I put it to him that the danger of his proposal of making workplace ballots illegal , which is what he is proposing , even where there is independent scrutiny , is that the participation level is lower for such ballots ?
2 Since he had the gall to suggest that employers ' organisations all support the proposals , may I put it to him that this and many other parts of his provisions were vehemently opposed by employers ' organisations , including the CBI , the British Association of Chambers of Commerce and the Institute of Personnel Management ?
3 Very well , may I put it to you that this special resolution be adopted .
4 Why should I put myself to a lot of trouble and difficulty when — perhaps — you could just give the terrorists what they ask and save all the bother ? ’
5 Before we go back , my lord , might I put something to you , and to Ser Rizzo ? ’
6 Could I put them in the soft box ?
7 Well , shall I put them in the fridge ?
8 Shall I put it in Reserve ? ’
9 Well shall I put it in the rubbish ?
10 But ha I remember I was on my test and I pulled round er it was very , very busy and there were two rows of cars and I pulled up and I thought right there 's a gap down there and I want to go straight on and all these others were turning le turning right so I squeezed down through the gap and then I thought right I 'm gon na be here a little while shall I put it in neutral , blow no I wo n't .
11 Shall I put you in your chair ?
12 Shall I put mine in there ?
13 Will I put you across my knee and give you a wee smack on the arse !
14 A : Can I put one on ?
15 Can I put one in ?
16 Can I put it to you that we can not today accept the recommendation on page forty-eight .
17 Can I put it on the teacakes ? ’
18 Is it , er , can I put it in a sentence ?
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