Example sentences of "[vb mod] have pick up the " in BNC.

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1 By now you should have picked up the signs directing you back to the Cat & Fiddle .
2 I much regret that such a new Member of Parliament should have picked up the churlish habits of other Labour Members .
3 Emil , who must have picked up the same signals , spoke with a true leader 's decisiveness .
4 Folly felt an urge to wash , as if the words had been printed in dark , inky type in the headline of a tabloid newspaper and her hands might have picked up the stain .
5 If the pension funds and insurance companies had waited they could have picked up the same properties at a far lower price .
6 ‘ We think someone may have picked up the jeans innocently , and maybe now thinks it 's too late to come forward , ’ a Norfolk police spokesman said .
7 But Faye and Roberta — well , they are n't middle class , to put it mildly , but surely they — yes , they would have picked up the know-how , the expertise , so if they did n't get things straight , it is because they did n't want to .
8 I should have had MyMa MyMouse in there and then it would have picked up the MyMo MyMouse driver .
9 The dead cetaceans , predators at the very top of the maritime food chain , would have picked up the toxins from shellfish and smaller animals which accumulate pollutants , Lenghaus said .
10 You would have picked up the parcel and you would have delivered it yourself .
11 He has also failed to recognise that the Welsh people will have to pick up the bill for his spending policies .
12 It fears that universities will have to pick up the tab , and it draws a sharp distinction between those who will be non-payers and those who will get 25 per cent .
13 DOG owners in Cleveland have been warned they will have to pick up the tab if their pets go walkabout .
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