Example sentences of "[vb mod] have be send to " in BNC.

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1 She should have been sent to prison .
2 Alison believes the letter should have been sent to the person who caused the crash and the local authority should have made every effort to see this was done .
3 Tonight Cindy said she thought the doctors should have been sent to prison for a longer term .
4 He was probably then resident at the London convent and studying arts , but must have been sent to Oxford before 1249 ( Mon .
5 Luckily my mother was out of the room at the time , or Dawn and I might have been sent to our room for giving her precious cat a heart attack .
6 Had it not been for the First World War I might have been sent to school in England , separated indefinitely from my parents , as was the fate of so many English children whose fathers served in India or elsewhere in the East .
7 Annabel wished that there had been some way young Eve could have been sent to university too .
8 It would have depended on which hospital he 'd have been sent to .
9 Though she listened for sounds in the house , she heard none : Sir Gregory 's organization ran smoothly , and all the watchers would have been sent to their posts long before .
10 And yet there is now a way in which a small business can introduce ‘ new technology ’ methods for producing its internal documentation , manuals , price lists , brochures , indeed anything that previously would have been sent to a designer or printshop .
11 So in nineteen forty , I suppose evacuees would have been sent to Princes Risborough rather than being sent away ?
12 A tour operator voucher will have been sent to the hotel with the confirmation and room list .
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