Example sentences of "[vb mod] be brought [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 This should be brought up to date for next year .
2 All others should be brought up to modern standards using the principle that the polluter pays .
3 Labour believes schooling should be brought up to levels seen elsewhere in Europe .
4 In short , all existing and future minerals planning permissions must be brought up to the environmental standards expected today , and provision must be made for a regular upgrading of standards in the future .
5 New workstations installed after 1st January 1993 must comply fully from the outset , and all others must be brought up to the standard by December 31st , 1995 .
6 All new workstations installed from 1st January 1993 will have to comply with the Regulations from the outset , and pre-existing workstations must be brought up to the standard by the end of 1996 .
7 It demands the identification of a coordinator who should ensure that consultation with staff is genuine and that they feel involved ; explain processes clearly from the outset ; help teachers draw up a realistic timetable and ensure that deadlines are met ; provide advice and keep a check on what is happening at each stage ; contact people outside the school who might be brought in to help ; try to ensure that the review and the development are rigorous and systematic ; and make some evaluation of the effectiveness of the GRIDS method after about twelve months .
8 I seriously believe that she could be brought up to university standard in two or three years with the proper coaching . ’
9 But the troops were already fatigued by an unremitting nine days ' marching on inadequate rations , and the communications and organization were so poor that no supplies could be brought up to them .
10 Lord Howe is being tipped along with Lord Whitelaw as a possible heavyweight figure who could be brought in to help John Major with the government 's presentation of policies .
11 Civilians could be brought in to staff the front counter at Darlington police station in order to release three officers for beat duty .
12 CIVILIANS could be brought in to staff the front counter at Darlington police station , the town 's top officer has revealed .
13 Fuchs believes the time could be brought down to nanoseconds .
14 Nobody wanted to stroke a Gnome , except perhaps another Gnome , He thought he might just have a word with Caspar to see if Fenella could be brought along to his , Inchbad 's , bed that very night .
15 The idea was that , by raising the standards of these deprived areas , the children in them would be brought up to the levels of those in more privileged communities , and would then be able to compete with them on equal terms later in their educational careers .
16 If a Karen died away from home , his body would be buried and later his bones would be brought back to his native village .
17 The cow would be brought in to live in the far end of the hut when the weather finally broke ; they 'd all keep each other warm .
18 All cameras sold prior to these improvements will be brought up to the new specifications entirely free of charge .
19 At that point your pension will be brought up to date and you would see an increase then and annually thereafter .
20 Western experts will be brought in to train staff in quality control , component buying and after-sales service .
21 ( 1 ) By using the cumulative Current Law Citator , which is published annually ; this can be brought up to date with the Statute Citator in Current Law Statutes — a table of the effect the statutes have on earlier legislation .
22 Other , more local , axes in , for example , Northumberland , have also been suggested , and can be brought down to a very local level .
23 Both areas will be far below optimum today but — and this is the important point — in the one case the land can be brought back to full production easily , whereas in the other case a long and costly process of fertility building will be necessary .
24 Old bushes can be brought back to vigorous life by cutting them down to a foot from the ground at the end of winter .
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