Example sentences of "[vb mod] more often [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Your puppy is tense and will more often than not cry after being taken from his litter-mates .
2 When a central government department is sued , it is usual to name the respondent as the Secretary of State who is constitutionally responsible for the conduct of the department 's business ; although , of course , the decision or action being challenged will more often than not have been made or done by someone other than the Secretary of State personally ; and in the case of a geographically decentralized department , such as the Department of Social Security , the challenged decision or action may have originated from any one of a large number of regional offices of the department .
3 The woman or — more especially — the man who has a deep-seated doubt as to capacity to satisfy a partner in intercourse will more often than not fail to do so .
4 He or she will glance ostentatiously at his watch , as if to indicate that an expected arrival is late for an appointment and if he happens to meet the glance of a passer-by , he will more often than not look once again at his watch and cast a long-suffering glance at heaven ; as if by recruiting sympathy for a familiar predicament he will pre-empt any suspicion of more suspect motives .
5 The tourist or business or conference traveller will more often than not travel on a plane manufactured by one of the few aerospace TNCs that dominate the civil airline industry , occupy a hotel room subcontracted to or owned or managed by the local affiliate of one of the few chains that dominate the global hotel industry , hire a car from an agency of one of the international firms that dominate the car rental industry , and will pay for all this with one of the credit cards issued by the few TNCs that control global personal finance .
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