Example sentences of "[vb mod] be treated [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The general principal of article eight B two of the Maastricht treaty is that non-national residents in member state should be treated for electoral purposes in the same way as the nationals of that state .
2 As the minutes of the conclusions of the conference stated : " Various cases have recently been referred to this HQ in which doubt has been raised as to whether certain formations and groups should be treated as Soviet Nationals in so far as their return to the Soviet Union direct from 5 Corps is concerned . "
3 As we have seen , the order which summarised the rulings of this conference began by stating that " various cases have recently been referred to this HQ in which doubt has been raised as to whether certain formations and groups should be treated as Soviet Nationals " .
4 In his analysis of disease , he presented a similar critique of the four — humor theory to that of Paracelsus , developing the view that diseases should be treated as specific disorders of specific organs requiring specific chemical remedies .
5 But the Court of Appeal , no doubt alarmed by the prospect of large numbers of public sector employees seeking similar review , held that such cases should be treated as ordinary master-and-servant situations governed by private law .
6 Merton was dismayed that Mannheim distinguished between ‘ cultural science ’ and ‘ exact science ’ ; for Merton they should be treated as similar forms of knowledge because they are based on equivalent epistemologies .
7 All that would be necessary is that England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland should be treated as distinct electoral entities .
8 Many professionals find it difficult to accede , in practice , to the values and philosophy of normalisation — that people with learning difficulties should be treated as equal citizens , with the same rights and access to valued social roles as everyone else .
9 Although there is an intention to use these parts in the business they are essentially part of the operating cycle of the business and should be treated as current assets .
10 These should be treated as secondary sources , " interpretations " of the past .
11 Councillors should be treated as intelligent people who make decisions based on information .
12 FIVE children lying bloody and broken in the road below a high tenement window in Glasgow helped substantially reinforce ambulanceman Jack Kirkland 's belief that his colleagues should be treated as dedicated professionals and not as cab drivers .
13 They have got to demand in the politest possible way , but in the most determined way , that they should be treated as responsible citizens whatever their walk of life People take others at their own evaluation .
14 Exhibitions should be treated as interpretive media in their own right .
15 Bacterial infections of the chest are common and should be treated with appropriate antibiotics .
16 Boots which have been factory-treated and given a waterproof finish should not normally be given a wax treatment when new , but should be treated with ordinary shoe polish .
17 Broken bottles are just as dangerous as knives and should be treated with equal respect .
18 It 's something Dermot O'Shea is pleased to see — as Art Editor of The Irish Times he 's always felt that , just as a newspaper gives prominence to its top story , so also its best images should be treated with equal respect .
19 Accordingly , sophisticated econometric analyses of balance of payments behaviour should be treated with strong scepticism .
20 Lacerations and puncture wounds to the following areas should be treated with great caution as there are vital organs , blood vessels and nerves close to the surface — the face , neck , chest , abdomen , and back .
21 The stonefish is the most deadly of all fishes , but many others possess poisonous spines developed from fin-rays , and any prickly-looking fish should be treated with great respect .
22 The need for independence , linked with the need for love , are amongst the last treasures of old age , and should be treated with great delicacy .
23 A mixed rack should be carried and any in-situ gear , particularly old pegs , should be treated with great caution .
24 Use of the ratios as measures of the efficiency of individual managers should be treated with great caution unless they are part of a well-thought-out scheme of key results and objectives for individuals .
25 Use of the ratios as measures of the efficiency of individual managers should be treated with great caution unless they are part of a well-thought-out scheme of key results and objectives for individuals .
26 The results for this question are difficult to interpret and should be treated with great caution .
27 Regular eating of these objects should be treated with special attention as it is a deviant behaviour and often indicates a high level of social deprivation .
28 Drafts of these documents are often political kites and should be treated with considerable reserve , quoted but not relied upon .
29 However , the evidence on ‘ underachievement ’ that is now available from this and other investigations should be treated with considerable caution .
30 On the basis of these and similar findings , it has been suggested that in cases of small tumours up to 1 cm in diameter , endoscopic removal or local excision would be sufficient , but that larger or numerous carcinoid tumours should be treated by gastric resection or gastrectomy with removal of regional lymph notes .
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