Example sentences of "[vb mod] be described in [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The skill model described above implies that , except in highly restricted artificial situations , his information processing must be described in terms of patterns of stimuli related to patterns of responses .
2 Translation Having identified the central theme of a document , this theme must be described in terms which are present in the indexing language .
3 Indeed , such predictions might be described in terms of the probability with which their occurrence may be estimated .
4 Hubble 's conclusion was that the universe was expanding — a conclusion that could be described in terms of Einstein 's theory of relativity , which provided the mathematics for describing the ‘ fabric ’ of space .
5 This description could be described in terms of Freud 's dreamwork as a sort of cortical rearguard action in the face of incoherent but highly active discharges from the hindbrain .
6 North Shields and Cramlington could be described in terms of localities , not least because to some extent they are based on a discrete organization for the sustaining of labour ( see the discussion of Urry 's approach in Dickens et al . ,
7 It had been noticed in the inner city that many vowel variables could be described in terms of sub-scales according to following consonantal environments ( as in table 4.5 ) ; we attempted , therefore , to operationalize this perception by distinguishing following environments roughly based on the sonority scales discussed by Taylor ( 1973 ) and others adapted to an ‘ allophonic length ’ dialect ( J. Milroy , 1976a ) .
8 Each word and its anticipated variations in pronunciation are given explicitly in the lexicon , as in the HWIM system , while the acoustic input to the lexical access process may be described in terms of broad- , mid- , or fine-class descriptions .
9 Other exact solutions describing colliding electromagnetic waves will be described in Chapters 16 and 17 , after more powerful techniques have been developed .
10 These have been described in more detail by Ferrari and Ibañez ( 1988 ) , and will be described in Sections 10.5 and 13.3 .
11 Discussion of justification , of what it is for a belief to be justified , begins with this theory ; other theories will be described in terms of their relation to or divergence from this one .
12 For example , if language difficulties identified from an assessment can be described in terms of a functional analysis , and an environmental deficit , remedial procedures might be directed at rearranging the contingencies in the child 's natural environment .
13 Human development can be described in terms of three attributes : capacities , skills and aspirations ( Singleton , 198 1 ) .
14 If prose is the lower medium , then the movement up to verse is a movement to a higher rank , and can be described in terms of the rituals known in anthropology as rites of passage .
15 Light can be described in terms both of waves and of particles .
16 The second synthesis can be described in terms of sociological essentialism .
17 ‘ Plugging ’ , in all its aspects , represents an authoritarian distribution system which produces psychologically weak individuals eager to identify with authority ; for such immature personalities , listening can be described in terms of neuroses .
18 They are redundant , but not because the world can be described in terms of eternal " propositions which are true or false in virtue of being the propositions they are , but because they advertise certain claims which can equally successfully be conveyed implicitly , viz. by asserting the proposition or its negation , as the case may be .
19 Using the wave/particle duality discussed in the last chapter , everything in the universe , including light and gravity , can be described in terms of particles .
20 For instance , if a constant fraction of profits ( and none of wages ) are saved , or if the savings behaviour of the economy can be described in terms of an infinitely-lived representative individual ( with an additive utility function and a fixed rate of pure time preference ) , then in the long run the after-tax rate of return is determined independently of the tax rate .
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