Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] aware of some " in BNC.

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1 Following the Zeebrugge ferry disaster , the haulier should be aware of some of the heads of claim which might arise when such a terrible incident occurs .
2 As children grow there can be changes in their vision , and since screening tests may be infrequent , teachers should be aware of some of the physical signs and behaviours that may indicate that a child is having problems with sight .
3 It is encouraging that the primary visual areas of both rats and monkeys receive input from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus but we should be aware of some circularity here since one of the criteria used for saying that the lateral geniculate nuclei in the two groups are homologous is that they both project to primary visual cortex !
4 But there 's still , we still I mean er er you perhaps need to talk to Rob to see what he wants his input , it 's always been a bit airy fairy and there , there are sheets ! the choice is not the same but they should be aware of some of the implications if they choose to go down such and such a road .
5 Assassins were proofed against pain , but surely Meh'Lindi must be aware of some agonies as her body strained to adopt a new shape in obedience to her will .
6 Bob Henry , you must be aware of some of the criticisms which were levelled at the companies which were put out by arts associations , where they say really it 's very self-indulgent and nobody much goes to see this particular type of dance group .
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