Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] looking [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Some believe that we should be looking at all ages to fulfilling activity which is not wholly employment based , but make more constructive use of leisure .
2 And I , like Mr ask that this issue should in fact be addressed , we should be looking at their total responsibilities , and I I support the action of the budget review in saying that er , we should be looking at this with a view to it being a corporate responsibility .
3 EP : Last time I saw you we felt that we should be looking at some kind of school with weekly boarding .
4 Moreover , the looming rises in direct taxation ( coupled with a drastically-increased cost of motoring ) seem destined to hit the middle-earner particularly hard , and that is surely where ministers should be looking for any significant rise in consumer demand .
5 ‘ And the relevant authorities should be looking into this before there is a further outbreak . ’
6 Erm but er I learnt to write a fair hand , erm without too many flourishes , which er because I was always told that somebody might be looking at this in a hundred years time , or more .
7 And we were rather thinking that might be looking for another job very soon .
8 But you 'll be looking for that .
9 ‘ If you do n't get me that money you 'll be looking for another ship , ’ she reminded him fiercely .
10 And we 'll be looking for some general indication as to a location in a particular transport corridor .
11 We 're not gon na get into anything about chairmanship of meetings on this course , there is a meeting 's course that does that so I do n't want to promise you something that I 'm not gon na I 'm not gon na be able to deliver I know what you mean certainly in terms of timing of your presentation keeping t time with your presentation we 'll be looking at that and help you achieve that .
12 Erm , in the point that was raised from the London region , talking about resources in dealing with er regional health and safety officers and their time , part of the er document itself , is looking at consultation , so that the resource implications and the necessary action that we have to take in identifying priorities , deals with those things and those things are now opened up to discussion , er by accepting the report , and we 'll be looking at that over this next year .
13 ‘ I 'll be looking at all sorts of music , from liturgical chants to Fiddler on the Roof stuff and Hassidic Rock . ’
14 We 'll be looking at all the stars of the show , like the mighty Tupolef Bear from Russia , a lasting symbol of the cold war .
15 I 've also given you a living assurance rate book , because we 'll be looking at both the rate books in a minute .
16 This month , we 'll be looking at some examples that should help you to develop your fluency in playing these two interval types from a scalic standpoint .
17 Next month I 'll be looking at some of the techniques used in drawing software and reviewing a selection of packages .
18 The more commonly seen single resonator National guitars were a different animal altogether , and we 'll be looking at those next month .
19 Each month in this column I 'll be looking at those quirky things that affect readers who care about their home .
20 Tomorrow night in the final part of our pre-budget series we 'll be looking at another area which might become subject to VAT , public transport .
21 I think er it 's got to be er linked certainly to the rate of inflation , er and in some way linked to the way that the fire service er has their pay formula , and they 're actually linked to 25% of the top 25% of schooled manual workers , er we 'd be looking at some sort of deal like that , or if it was n't er tied up with percentage rates I think we need , definitely need an independent pay review body for the ambulance service .
22 would be looking at that as a more meaningful contribution to .
23 What you 're looking in any formula say from a carbon compound you would be looking for that was bonded to four different groups , it does n't matter what the groups are , it does n't matter how big , how small they are
24 From now on he would be looking for some sort of pattern .
25 I heard myself speaking calmly in a low tone , telling her how I would be looking into some other business now that this office was closing .
26 We shall be looking at that range in a future issue .
27 Schofield said : ‘ I shall be looking at all the press cuttings when I get home and deciding what action to take .
28 In the next few weeks , I shall be looking at all aspects of the computer world .
29 Apart from the ‘ flying ’ siddhi , the remainder are psychic gifts and we shall be looking at this area in the next two chapters .
30 We shall be looking at this point more closely later , but for the moment it is sufficient to point out that the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost to all believers without distinction fulfilled one further hope of the prophets of old .
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