Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] combine with [art] " in BNC.

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1 This leaning tree should be combined with a general silhouette of trees which is disturbed by at least one palm that outstrips the others to enhance the pattern of the whole .
2 Such a rehabilitation programme can and should be combined with the general medical care of convalescing patients including exercise testing for risk stratification and consideration for further investigation with a view to possible coronary surgery or angioplasty .
3 After investigating voluntary , non-vocational adult education in Scotland , the committee recommended that adult education should be combined with the youth and community service into a community education service .
4 It must be combined with a 7 night stay at any one of our features Mombasa hotels .
5 Apart from predictable duties , like that of sitting through a performance of The Family Reunion ( a play for which he now had little affection ) , he was asked to crown the Swedish snow queen at the winter festival : he told Robert Giroux that he had hoped this might be combined with the Nobel ceremony itself , so that he could wear ice-skates with his tails .
6 The intention throughout is again to demonstrate how conventional urban sociology might be combined with the new approaches outlined at the beginning of this study .
7 These might be combined with the formulation above and adapted as shown in Figure 5.1 .
8 For visitors interested in making the journey to Bauen by private transport the route could be combined with a trip from Brunnen along the Axenstrasse to Fluelen and Altdorf .
9 An upper house provided for representation on a regional basis , which ANC officials were quoted as saying could be combined with a system of representation according to political party .
10 For a really weird effect , it could be combined with an actual camera movement in the opposite direction ( tracking in and tracking out , so called because it used to be done on tracks like tramlines rather than free wheels ) .
11 There was still hope for Britain if the old qualities of stoicism and the knack of handling ‘ native ’ races could be combined with the scientific and management skills needed in the modern world .
12 The genes from elephants could be combined with the genes from worms , bats and angler fish .
13 There are preliminary data showing that high unrefined carbohydrate diets lower serum creatinine levels in those with renal failure so this could be combined with the suggested drug regime ( Rivellese et al , 1984 ) .
14 One possibility that 's emerged from that research , is that mercury vapour from gold burning may be combining with the ash and the other products of combustion the forest , to produce an even more toxic ingredient in a lethal brew .
15 Collecting bias seems to be greater for molars than for incisors , not surprising when it is considered that incisors are easier to locate in the pellets than are molars , and so an excess of incisors may be combined with a deficit of molars where there is collecting bias .
16 Some may be combined with a back roller or circulator unit to produce hot water and limited central heating .
17 The renaissance city of Florence may be combined with a stay in Forte dei Marmi or Elba .
18 Surface binding ligands may be combined with a visible marker leg .
19 In fact , it will be argued below that the rational expectations hypothesis , the target of so many misdirected Keynesian barbs , may be combined with a model which does not assume market clearing in such a way as to allow considerable scope for discretionary demand management policies .
20 Manual cleaning may be combined with the use of machines with equipment parts being passed through a dishwasher .
21 TWO options have been put forward in the literature : ( 1 ) Sivapithecus is related to humans , which has little support ; and ( 2 ) Sivapithecus is related to the orang-utan. both of these may be combined with the third possibility that the orang-utan is the nearest living relative to humans , although there is much evidence against this proposition ( Box 1 ) .
22 The power of any of the above may be doubled by using two of each instrument , or if preponderance of one tone-colour were required , a pair of one sort of instrument would be combined with a single instrument of another sort ( e.g. 2 clar. + 1 ob .
23 Under it , the capital , expertise and technology of the USA and Canada would be combined with the cheap labour and resources of Mexico to establish the world 's most populous free-trade market with 360,000,000 consumers and a combined gross domestic product ( GDP ) of US$6,450,000 million .
24 This ‘ institutional ’ approach will be combined with a study of journal literature , textbooks and other publications , hitherto the most ‘ visible ’ product of the newly-emergent discipline .
25 In October the new training scheme with start in which Medau music and movement will be combined with a training in physiotherapy .
26 The Monopolies and Mergers Commission will be combined with the Office of Fair Trading and made independent of government , increasing its effectiveness .
27 The service has been developed by Peter Heys , formerly of Pest Control , whose considerable experience of the food industry will be combined with the tight operational skills of the Office cleaning division .
28 Excellent climbing can be combined with a family holiday in beautiful surroundings , with a virtual guarantee of sunshine .
29 Other studies have showed that profiting from agrarian reform can be combined with a more radical political commitment .
30 Alternatively , stripes on the body of the garment can be combined with a central woven panel using several different stitches .
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