Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] of [det] value " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , in order that the trial should be of any value at all , both materials should be used in the way that will produce the best results .
2 Hum. , 1908–13 ) for the purpose of giving graduates of the College opportunity to travel at such time in their careers as might be of most value to them either by enabling them to broaden their experience of other countries and their peoples or to carry out research .
3 Variability in ME , however , has sometimes been perceived as an obstacle rather than a resource , and as a result information that might be of some value to the historian has been rejected from the canon .
4 I have just prepared a paper for my Executive Committee on this and I have enclosed a copy in the hope it might be of some value .
5 For example , it may be of little value that the authorities are able to control interest rates via monetary instruments if the relevant objectives are not very sensitive to changes in interest rates .
6 Development shoot-outs as suggested by one researcher may be a way of widening the solution arena ( Quinn , 1986 ) , but if the uncertainties are too high even this approach may be of little value .
7 A flexible approach , however , using short interviews and introducing self help by groups or through use of publications and other media may be of more value .
8 It may be of most value for occasional use , in known responders , to save embarrassment when sleeping away from home .
9 This may be of some value , but the plan should be made to work harder .
10 The obvious solution , one might think , would be to increase the number of 100-word samples taken , to six or perhaps nine , but this too would be of little value if there were great variability within the book .
11 Were this the case , then Kuhn 's account of science would be of little value as a theory of science .
12 His report would be of little value otherwise .
13 In fact the uncertainty is so wide that is doubtful if the forecast would be of much value .
14 Some of their skills and knowledge are specific to the company for which they work , and they would be of less value to another company .
15 Both texts then seem to abandon the question of what Matroc 's competitors do and move on to consider the types of customer in the market place and whether the brochure would be of any value to them .
16 ‘ And you consider that only a psychiatrist 's opinion would be of any value ? ’
17 In its present form it would be of some value to the company historian but in public institutions , its status as a record , and therefore its management needs to be decided before we can determine its retention .
18 The best system for measuring patient workload will be of little value if the workforce is either not available at the time required or without the necessary skills .
19 Mass education will be of little value if it simply increases the number of people who are pursuing their own selfish ends .
20 First , those items which make it difficult to recognise specific abilities in a child will be of less value than those which provide descriptions that can easily be applied .
21 But even if by some miracle effective protocols are agreed , the momentum of climate change means that whatever action is taken to reduce greenhouse gases will be of more value to generations beyond the mid-century than to those which come before it .
22 Without publication research can be of little value .
23 In the case of registered title , if the wife is purchasing the husband 's interest in the property , a search in usual form ( Form 94A ) at HM Land Registry is appropriate ; otherwise a search should be made on Form 94C , although as the wife is a trustee of the legal estate with the husband , this search can be of little value , particularly as it confers no priority ( Land Registration ( Official Searches ) Rules 1990 ( SI No 1361 ) , r9 ) .
24 A gift voucher can be of any value .
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