Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] a return to " in BNC.

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1 The Slovenes , therefore , proposed that the existing foreign exchange allocation system should be abandoned , and that there should be a return to the previous system of retention ratios .
2 He did not maintain that there should be a return to the precise conditions of the primitive Church , but rather that the Church of England 's belief and practice were compatible with them .
3 The Labour party document states that there should be a return to the old system and to the valuation of properties that was carried out in 1973 .
4 There must be a return to the death penalty , at least for some categories of murder . .
5 If that were to be the case it could be a return to the profoundly damaging effects that the daily streaming , even in primary and elementary schools , produced in an earlier age .
6 It is almost as if both men had to be chastened by the bitter lessons of Marxism in practice before there could be a return to the unproblematical friendship prior to the advent of Marxism in their lives .
7 There would be a return to all the anomalies that the old rating system caused .
8 And to give you a measure of what that would mean , it would be a return to the conditions of the late forties , early fifties as regards sharing in North Yorkshire is concerned .
9 It is difficult to imagine that there will be a return to the status quo ante regarding the closed shop , trade union immunities and pre-strike ballots , the right of council house tenants to buy their own homes ( over a million former council tenants have made such purchases ) , and the position of former nationalized industries .
10 Conran suspects that the current vogue for de-mergers will eventually turn full circle and there will be a return to the times when it was thought that ,
11 But there is a way through and in spite of how the sufferer may feel at the time , there will be a return to normality .
12 For Jenkins , who ousted Stephens last season only to lose his job through suspension and injury this winter , it will be a return to the big time after only one game in the past month .
13 It implies that there will be a return to normality , to the philosophy of the pig-trough .
14 It may well be that one consequence of increasing complexity will be a return to standard units .
15 There was a period when cyclists disappeared from the Meet altogether but they have started to return in the last few years and among the highlights of this year 's event — May 22–25 — will be a return to races on the old grass cycle track around the perimeter of Richmond Cricket Club 's ground and a road race for penny-farthings .
16 So , going back to Tuscany can be a return to a dream of the England of Hardy and George Eliot .
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