Example sentences of "[vb mod] [not/n't] possibly [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Thy even asked how those outside the group felt and I answered that since I could not even think of anyone in the Church who contributed nothing I could not possibly answer the question .
2 It took Mr Gorbachev a year or two to perceive that he held a hopelessly weak hand — that the Soviet Union could not possibly match the enormous economic and technological resources Mr Reagan commanded and was prepared to employ , including the much-maligned Strategic Defence Initiative , which Mr Shultz strongly supported .
3 Without it we could not possibly deliver the high quality of service that we do .
4 I could not possibly entertain the mad supposition that you would stay at Mannheim , where there is no longer a court …
5 If we were talking in terms of the possibilities of identification provided by logical combinations of words from the dictionary , then ( 7 ) could not possibly identify the same entity , or set of entities , as ( 4 ) or ( 5 ) .
6 The manager of the branch concerned could not possibly pay the cheque , but , since the Ingard group has many small investors and its collapse would have wide repercussions , he at once referred it to the board .
7 Van Gogh could not possibly demonstrate the validity of his vision to someone who lacks that inner visual sense by which his greatness as an artist is perceived .
8 You must understand that , upon discovery of such an unsavoury correspondence , your master and mistress could not possibly take the risk of leaving their young children in your hands .
9 But I could not possibly desert the grace of Christ and accept the views of foolish men who were completely ignorant of all that was going on within me .
10 Jack could not possibly run the house from Oxford , and Warnie was still a serving officer in the Army .
11 I think this was due to the fact that we did n't have 9-to-5 jobs and we were entertainers and could n't possibly manage the £7 a week rent .
12 ‘ Your father could n't possibly make the journey .
13 ‘ It 's like one of those dreams , ’ said Breeze , ‘ that are so vivid that you think you could n't possibly forget the slightest detail ; yet when you try to describe them , they simply disappear .
14 And of course that also meant she could n't possibly spare the time to do her usual singing spot in the club .
15 I could n't possibly get the peg in the door before he got his foot in it .
16 ‘ We could n't possibly afford the plane fare , ’ mumbled Daisy .
17 " I could n't possibly afford the flat if I were renting it now , but I got it on a long lease just after the war , when rents were much less than they are today , " she said .
18 ‘ So you ca n't possibly do the programme ? ’
19 For I assure you that people who do not travel ( I mean those who cultivate the arts and learning ) are indeed miserable creatures ; and I protest that unless the Archbishop allows me to travel every second year , I ca n't possibly accept the engagement .
20 A religion can not possibly serve the world if it can be understood only by people who have been especially educated .
21 Yet one also fees that the race itself is too insubstantial to bear the weight of this titanic myth , that ten seconds can not possibly represent the interface between the life before and the life afterwards .
22 However carefully and thoroughly you prepare the ground , you can not possibly hold the whole complex totality of a novel in your head in all its detail at any one moment .
23 Therefore the woman , not having had the same training as a man can not possibly demand the same wage ; also not being physically as strong , she can not compete with him where heavy lifting is required .
24 However , there is a different form of uncertainty that can not possibly help the theist 's case , and that is uncertainty about what is meant by talking about God .
25 Many people now regard the sending of flowers to a funeral as an inexcusable waste of money , arguing that since they can not possibly help the deceased , it is better to help the living .
26 A Georgian TV source said : ‘ We can not possibly afford the money Linfield are asking .
27 I realise that this is a short debate and that I can not possibly ask the hon. Lady all the questions that I should like to ask .
28 He has little knowledge of a shepherd 's life since he writes his idyllic poem from the town , as a wealthy poet , and can not possibly see the reality as one would have it from experienced eyes .
29 We can not possibly accept the MacSharry proposals as they stand because they discriminate against British farming more than anything else .
30 Applying the opposite rudder can not possibly cause the spin to reverse as is sometimes stated , unless the pilot is keeping the stick right back .
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