Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [vb pp] a similar " in BNC.

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1 The rather un-Byronic 30-year-old Dustin Hoffman must have had a similar experience on the morning of 22 December 1967 when he opened the newspapers .
2 Flaubert might have made a similar avowal — ‘ I leave two children , Bouvard and Pécuchet ’ — because his only child , the niece who became a daughter , had departed into disapproving adulthood .
3 Today the branch chairman said that had Mr Taylor tried again , he might have faced a similar rebellion .
4 An open-fronted building at Holditch , containing cooking vessels , a large quern and an oven might have provided a similar service , while the evidence for a counter in the vicus at Greta Bridge points to another obvious gap in the evidence .
5 Walking into a parliament of psychologists , like the governing Council of the British Psychological Society ( BPS ) , she might have had a similar reaction .
6 Are there no other types of thing for which Moore might have claimed a similar high value in isolation ?
7 Eddie Gray is genuinely regarded by some clever football people to have been every bit as good as best , and could have made a similar name for himself had he not been dogged by injury .
8 A disabled rider who 's accusing a horse trader of cheating her out of twelve hundred pounds says more than a hundred and fifty people may have suffered a similar fate .
9 Some Saharan ergs may have had a similar origin but others may have occupied basins of centripetal drainage into which sand was transported in periods of wetter climate .
10 But we do know that the most obvious surviving monuments , the stone circles , take that form , and we can at least speculate that they may have performed a similar function .
11 There 's concern they may have copied a similar incident , screened on the television series ’ The Bill ’ , just the day before .
12 Senior staff may have encountered a similar situation before and can contribute their experience to the discussion .
13 It 's improbable that a male college would have achieved a similar effect with men or women .
14 It would have given a similar sort of chance to the one he missed in the first minute .
15 But this was by no means all consumed by the brethren in an orgy of gluttony ; most of the larger monastic records in Sussex would have shown a similar pattern , since there was a constant coming and going of important visitors and benefactors with extensive retinues .
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