Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] longer [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Publishers should no longer see the sale as a way of trying to sell the unsaleable , ’ said BML .
2 Also , some of the people on her list might no longer have the connections he needed .
3 Secondly , nobody could any longer advance the belief that sheer production — the worship of the Gross National Product — was the final test of a society 's economic vigour and success .
4 The issues raised by this and subsequent questions go to the heart of the debate on the Compensation Fund , and it is apparent that many of those who answered negatively felt to varying degrees that in the present commercial climate the public could no longer expect the entire profession to compensate them for any losses they suffered at the hands of a tiny minority of errant solicitors — particularly as no comparable compensation was available from the providers of other professional services .
5 And he said he could no longer tolerate the ‘ gag and straitjacket . ’
6 The Second period is that which starts from the beginning of life and reaches onward to the time when the law of the survival of the fittest with its ruthlessness could no longer serve the aspirations towards increasing happiness that were beginning to creep into the dawning consciousness of primitive man .
7 If the centre could no longer deliver the goods , reasoned many Ukrainians and Belorussians , the union itself no longer had any purpose .
8 In 1989 more than 2,600 Somalis sought asylum in the UK ; from August 1990 , Somali nationals could no longer transit the UK without visas .
9 By the autumn of 1967 the British government itself could no longer avoid the issue of devaluation .
10 I could no longer distinguish the house , and even the boat-house , much nearer , was lost in the shadows .
11 From 1935 Noel was increasingly oppressed by the diabetes from which he suffered , blindness , and a cancerous growth , but nothing could dampen his spirits , and when he could no longer sing the liturgy , he learned it off by heart .
12 The US , faced by the revival of European and Japanese competition , by inflation and the costs of the Vietnam war , could no longer remain the foundation stone of a world currency system and the dollar had been ‘ floated ’ in August 1971 .
13 To exist and survive , a living system must have access to other levels of function and other mechanisms beyond those embraced by present physics , electro-magnetics and biochemistry , otherwise the natural steady progress towards entropy or disintegration would soon reduce all living systems to a state in which they could no longer reproduce the clear patterns of their own kind .
14 A creditor could no longer stop the release of anyone , however short their confinement , who was willing to pay what he owed .
15 In a statement read to the court , Shooter described his crime as ‘ a cry for help from someone who could no longer handle the pressures of life ’ .
16 By 1984 the Financial Times issue of 13 February was reporting Iran as cutting imports since the country 's ports and internal distribution services could no longer handle the flood of goods destined for the country .
17 Her poor father might still like his lunch on time , even though he could no longer hold a fork and had to be helped to eat .
18 ( However , in this particular case , Mrs Hohne 's transfer to the new premises resulted in both her status and pay being reduced as she could no longer hold the post of manageress because there already was a person in this position in the new premises .
19 if these young men possessed traces of the Beastblood , it was from so far back that it could not be measured , and it was so slight that it could no longer hold the power to call upon the beasts for aid .
20 It is perhaps not surprising that , in such circumstances , the older defensive logics of the discipline , and especially the petit bourgeois critical consciousness of the Scrutiny tendency , could no longer offer a generally acceptable disciplinary ideology .
21 Nearly all the canine members of the police dog section are former unwanted pets donated by families who for a variety of reasons found the could no longer offer a home to man 's best friend .
22 He became increasingly preoccupied with his mistress , Alice Perrers , and could no longer offer the leadership which had united the nobility behind him in the 1340s and 1350s .
23 Among the most important functions are the mental faculties without which a person could no longer lead a useful life .
24 Ten years ago the RSPCA had a cash crisis which meant Nick could no longer patrol the market .
25 She welcomed the tea she made and said , when her daughter could no longer contain the fact of her marathon , ‘ Oh there was no need to hurry like that , darling .
26 When he could no longer contain the need to relieve himself , he decided against pissing in the doorway .
27 As has been suggested , the existence , seemingly side by side , of two distinct moral codes — a traditional Christian position and the ‘ new morality ’ — and the public ‘ battle ’ between the two , as new ideas came into conflict with old , gave the impression to many that the Church could no longer present a united front .
28 Again , he returned his gaze to the Bowl , but his concentration had faltered , and he could no longer interpret the images concealed in the motion of the stones .
29 The Commissioner states in his report : ‘ Because it seemed to me that the Minister 's letter implied that the NHS had an absolute duty to provide care for the complainant 's father once it became clear that he could no longer meet the nursing home fees , I asked the DoH for clarification of the legal position and invited their general views . ’
30 After World War II the Crown in Parliament of the United Kingdom well understood that it could no longer govern the King Emperor 's non-British , any more than his British subjects who were not represented , and could not be represented , in Parliament .
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