Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] expect [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Faith is something which is merely believed , so it must always expect to be open to doubt .
2 In effect the staff , in making this statement , are erecting a ‘ fence ’ around the unit which excludes those agencies that might otherwise expect to be involved .
3 Muggers who decided to phase out mugging by 1993 could hardly expect to be let off , yet the UK expected to go on breaking the law with impunity .
4 From there the single line emerged onto the road , and along one side of it the train to West Cork would puff and blow at a brisk but not incautious pace , its smoke staining the leaves of the roadside trees , the guard ringing his bell almost without stop until they were approaching Carrigrohane and could reasonably expect to be out of range of busy pedestrians , excited children , and messenger boys on bicycles plaguing the engine-driver by trying to outspeed him .
5 Children could now expect to be helped in two to eight weeks depending on the seriousness of their problems , she said .
6 People living in slums due for redevelopment would normally expect to be rehoused on rambling estates around the periphery of the city .
7 Potential carers will naturally expect to be thoroughly vetted and would be required to undertake an eight-week training course before being entrusted with the care of a child , which could take anything up to six months .
8 However , applicants to the Faculties of Music and Veterinary Medicine can normally expect to be called for interview , while this may also happen in the case of applicants for degrees in Divinity and Nursing Studies ( full details are given in the Faculty Sections ) .
9 As other publishers are likely to be experiencing the same order profiles , wholesalers can probably expect to be approached by them too .
10 The following paragraphs pointed out that in unlimited competitions , although successful competitors can reasonably expect to be employed , the Government can not bind itself to employ them , but in this case they should be employed on the new Foreign Office .
11 Second , for any possible world we can reasonably expect to be able to find another which resembles the actual world to the same degree .
12 If TDs generally can confidently expect to be re-nominated , many of them can also and no less confidently expect to be reelected .
13 The Tories can then expect to be returned within a couple of years , by an England — Disraeli did not mention Scotland or Wales — which has once again proved it does not love coalitions .
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