Example sentences of "[subord] he returned [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For various reasons , therefore , he moved to Jamaica and , although he returned to Barbados many times , it was never with any great enthusiasm for the place .
2 After further adventures in Spain , Nicholas had a dream in which his family were seen to be in trouble and needing him , so he returned to England , proceeded by a huge crate of the books collected on his travels .
3 Nasser was not informed of his mothers death until he returned to Khatatba , several months later , when it came as a great shock .
4 Thereafter he continued to be an influential committee-man until he returned to Ireland as a parliamentary commissioner in June 1649 .
5 And he 'd probably have to resign himself to that situation until he returned to Winchester .
6 All she had to do was steel herself to get through the forthcoming weeks until he returned to Hong Kong and she was left to immerse herself in this new job in peace , free of the distraction he constituted .
7 This was home throughout his school days until he returned to St Andrews to attend the University .
8 Again , he bowed his head to the child , and when she 'd run off , he tapped again on the wall , and when the boy from the cafe appeared , he handed him the bird and asked him to keep it in his cellar for coolness until he returned from Riba on the train that evening , after he had collected the rent .
9 Tyndale was nervous , and , when Vaughan offered him the King 's promise of safety if he returned to England , he expressed his fear that the promise might be broken on the persuasion of the clergy , who would affirm that promises made with heretics need not be kept .
10 DISGRACED car tycoon John De Lorean claims he would be assassinated by ‘ British agents ’ if he returned to Northern Ireland .
11 BELFAST jockey Pat McWilliams is beginning to settle down and ride a few winners since he returned from England before Christmas facing an uncertain future .
12 He was immediately given extended leave to undergo psychiatric therapy but refused to cooperate with the medical staff and was retired from Delta at his own request a month after he returned to work .
13 Just three days after he returned to Washington , Hayman sent for him again .
14 Strachan did not make the change immediately , for he crocked a shoulder in the test against South Africa and had a three-week stand-down period immediately after he returned from tour .
15 Adrift and in debt , Rolfe was taken in by the Duchess of Sforza-Cesarini , who conferred on him the title of Baron Corvo before he returned to England later in the year .
16 He stayed in Moscow for two months before he returned to St. Petersburg and soon sailed back to Scotland .
17 He was in agreement with my suggestion that the property be sold and before he returned to college in the autumn of 1976 , he took my advice and placed house and lands in the hands of an estate agent .
18 On the eve of the Lord 's Test , though , he was relaxing , hoping son Shoaib would be recalled before he returned to Lahore , pausing every so often to throw a plastic ball at his bat-wielding , knee-high grandson .
19 A Sergeant Williams in London followed Tawell from the train around several of the capital 's coffee houses before he returned to Quaker 's lodgings at Cheapside .
20 As a member of a Faith and Justice group in Burnley I knew Father Corcoran before he returned to Kenya in 1986 .
21 When he returned to Danzig Greisser was treated as a conquering hero , and was greeted by cheering crowds at the railway station .
22 The bronze versions are very recent and faithful to Ernst 's instructions : when he returned to France after the war , he had planned to work on the project but did not manage to reach agreement with the current owners .
23 When he returned to Africa to work in journalism it was to the Gold Coast he came in 1934 .
24 Climbing became his passion when he returned to school .
25 Mrs Elsie Morgan had travelled on the train on her honeymoon in 1920 ; Lady More recalled some of Sir Jasper 's memories ; Colonel Sykes remembered that , as a boy , the engine driver used to allow him to drive the train when he returned to school at the beginning of term ; and Mrs Lucy Hemmings had regularly tested the milk carried by the train for the Creamery .
26 This refusal to fit in with the system continued when he returned to London , having jumped ship after a series of incidents — chopping down the house of someone 's aunt ; being technical supervisor on a failed bank robbery — had made him somewhat too conspicuous to the New Zealand authorities .
27 Another favourite at our CBR recital series was a young pianist from Winnipeg , Jack Henderson , who became a great friend and companion to Arthur Benjamin , and who accompanied him when he returned to London some years later .
28 When he returned to London it would take months of arguing with some scrupulous clerk of the Exchequer to get it reimbursed .
29 Pius XII also blessed a rosary and gave it to him — when he returned to London , he placed it on his mantelpiece with other memorabilia .
30 When he returned to London , Cyril Connolly gave a party to celebrate the prize and during the course of the evening Eliot sang " Under the bamboo tree " from Sweeney Agonistes .
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