Example sentences of "[subord] i be wait for " in BNC.

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1 I wanted to put a a morning on when I realised there was problems here just a morning an open morning which would of brought probably nine hundred thousand pounds into this building , in July I came in to try to see the Director of the playhouse I could n't go through the written way because I was waiting for exam date to come through .
2 And I 'm out a lot , I tend to just slurp down a cup of Slimma-soup , stick a wee dollop of quiche in the microwave or something while I 'm waiting for my Carmens to heat up .
3 I always fall off while I 'm waiting for you . ’
4 I 'll be glad of the company , I expect , while I 'm waiting for the police .
5 Where 's my I 'm putting my lipstick on while I 'm waiting for that to take .
6 But , in meantime while I were waiting for them to ring me I were that mad !
7 While I was waiting for my companions to stir , I put water on to boil , but soon noticed that the stove had given up .
8 While I was waiting for him , an assistant approached and asked if she could help .
9 And while I was waiting for them I I went into a little shop and For some cigarettes , and er me brother y Oh younger brother , we 'd started him up er f he was a plumber .
10 ‘ By the way , sir , while I was waiting for Fowler to relieve me , I checked with the constable at Morvyl .
11 ‘ I do n't , I just happened to see that tatty book of horoscopes Myra keeps on her desk while I was waiting for you one day , so I looked it up , ’ Dana said defiantly .
12 I met the Colonel 's wife while I was waiting for Martinho outside church one sunny afternoon .
13 You say you had stuff stood here when I 'm waiting for a bleeding .
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