Example sentences of "[subord] i [verb] thinking [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That evening , after supper , I was too tired to write up notes , so I lay thinking over the day in order to make it easier to write them up in the morning .
2 So I started thinking about alternative ways to earn a living .
3 If I start thinking of It as a person , entitled to a dignified end , the next thing will be of course that I have no right to end It at all .
4 If I started thinking about things … personal things in my life , I have the feeling I might never stop .
5 And I 've remembered his name cos I kept thinking of Charles .
6 This state of affairs has complicated my present task , since what was current when I began thinking about this book a few years ago , and , indeed , when working on earlier drafts of it , is now ceasing to be so .
7 It 's going really quick in n it , when I keep thinking about it when they go back after half term
8 Although Bert Cooke , shortly after his conversion , became an active supporter of Paisley 's evangelistic work , he was less than enthusiastic about the public image of the Church : ‘ When I started thinking about full-time service , I did n't want to be a Free Presbyterian .
9 It was about the age when I started thinking about things .
10 Many other themes came to mind when I started thinking about holiday pictures .
11 When I 'm getting ready for a party — you know , you have a bath some time in the early afternoon or evening , you work out what to wear , you lay the things out on the bed that you vaguely know you look nice in , you roughly know what make-up suits you … well , that 's the point when I start thinking about my leg , and whether it will show .
12 They emerged as I began thinking about and writing about the data I collected .
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