Example sentences of "[subord] for the rest of " in BNC.

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1 JOB losses in the South East will go on rising faster than for the rest of Britain , a leading economist warned yesterday .
2 Ministers claim that accident rates on YTS are better than for the rest of the working population in that age group .
3 One may deal briefly with Molla Arab 's supposed first period of office as Mufti , simply saying that there appears to be no more evidence for it than for the rest of Katib Celebi 's construction of the facts concerning the history of the office in the early years , which is not , however , to say that the statement ( or the construction , for that matter ) may be dismissed entirely ( cf. below , n. 166 , for example ) .
4 higher than for the rest of England and Wales .
5 Table 26 shows that in 1991 injuries to elderly people accounted for 50.3% of all bus passenger injuries whereas for the rest of Scotland the figure was 43.4% .
6 The season was short for tourists in Green 's time and he said that the expensively equipped inns made a frugal living in the two months of the year when they were busy , while for the rest of the year , no one came .
7 The business was able to carry on but the flat he sometimes used was uninhabitable ; he came up to London only on Tuesday nights and " camped out " for the fire-watching while for the rest of the time he commuted between London and Surrey .
8 As Dr Roper told BBC WILDLIFE , ‘ In the winter , most of the badgers slept together in the main sett , while for the rest of the year they often slept apart in one or other of the outlier setts . ’
9 Rachel was invited to join them and she was happy to do so , but for the rest of the day she could n't forget that moment when David had moved so close to her ; she could n't forget the look in his eyes , a look that had implied that the conclusions drawn by others about his intentions towards her could be well founded .
10 As for the rest of it , Clive had been a disappointment .
11 As for the rest of NATO , the cause of world peace , not to say sanity , would be served if these countries were to look back to the decision of 1979 and to admit , even to themselves , that they were wrong .
12 Hooker was saddened by the arrogance of the Puritans in asserting ‘ We are of God : he that knoweth God heareth us ; as for the rest of you , ye are of the world , for the world 's pomp and vanity ye speak . ’
13 Although cost is said not to be an issue , corporate sales and marketing strategy for Teradata products , as for the rest of NCR 's offerings , will henceforth be decided in the US .
14 As for the rest of the staff , I will miss each one of the people who served to get this magazine on its feet .
15 Now the requirement is the same as for the rest of the accounts : that they ‘ present fairly ’ .
16 As for the rest of the staff — well , I suppose to them she was just a name — another client . ’
17 Erm it may be that it it is sensible to make that discount and would only ap apply to Scarborough dis district , but as for the rest of the additional elements of er environmental discount that should be applied , I ca n't see why you should apply a discount in relation to agricultural land .
18 as for the rest of the squad they 're enjoying the english snow …
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