Example sentences of "[subord] it used to be " in BNC.

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1 There 's a lovely great open space , where it used to be all wood , which if you had plenty of money and could have enough gardeners could be made very exciting . ’
2 There is no doubt in Sir Adrian 's mind that it is more demanding today being a top executive than it used to be .
3 Medical treatment for hay fever is now much better than it used to be .
4 The information will become known a bit faster than it used to be .
5 I do not think it can be said that the manner of death is any more horrific than it used to be ( although it may well be different ) but it may be that the way of reporting someone 's death has radically changed and that this has brought its own problems .
6 As ever , the men look more impressive than the women , but the difference is less marked than it used to be .
7 Other establishments followed their example , with the result that Jerusalem is a less cheerless city than it used to be .
8 It also has to be recognised that the general educational standard of aspiring architects is much lower than it used to be .
9 Chancroid is generally less common than it used to be , and is very rarely seen in Northern Europe , although it still poses problems in Asia and parts of Africa .
10 But JPL is still associated with Caltech , and acceptance of classified research at US universities is much less ready now than it used to be .
11 But Chris Smith sums up the make-or-break situation of the market in turmoil : ‘ The low end of the market is thinner than it used to be , and the other buyers do n't want to mess around with scrapyards . ’
12 Each of these three events involved the legal process or changes in the law , and as such inevitably make the censorship issue in libraries less localized than it used to be even after the Obscene Publications Act of 1959 .
13 Although there is much social and occupational mobility , and our choice of marriage partner is wider than it used to be , we are obviously most likely to meet and continue acquaintance with people used to similar standards of living , values and expectations .
14 The population as a whole is about 10 per cent fatter than it used to be .
15 Because in recent years hypnosis has tended to leave behind its mystical and Svengali-related image — and also because complementary medicine in general is far more widely accepted than it used to be — many people are less worried about the whole concept than before .
16 I am still very critical of my own shape but I console myself with the fact that while it is far from perfect , it is better than it used to be .
17 The only problem is that it is messy and somewhat smelly , though much less so than it used to be .
18 The political limitations of the approach , in particular its inability to deal with differences between women , have made it less powerful than it used to be .
19 It 's happy with the amount of convergence they have managed to get , saying that it 's a lot easier now to agree than it used to be , pointing to the significance of the networking and X-Windows commonality the new ABI implies .
20 I think the risk of a fake making the rounds today is much much less than it used to be .
21 If religion is less significant than it used to be in modern societies , it may be that the emotional issues are resolved too , or that they have found other modes of expression , in the arts and entertainments , and in political movements .
22 The use of eye and brow liners is now more refined and less obvious than it used to be , but is nevertheless emerging as an important element in even the most natural looks .
23 However , this is much less widespread than it used to be and two surgeons from Guys Hospital in London and Withington Hospital in Manchester believe this is a mistake .
24 It is very much commoner , everywhere , than it used to be — Central and Northern European populations have increased two- , three- or even fourfold .
25 While " the university is now immensely more important in the education of the nation than it used to be " ,
26 Is it more , or less distinct from other subjects than it used to be ? ) produced some interesting answers :
27 The whole area was much dryer than it used to be , and Edward suspected that something had interfered with the water table ; there had been nesting moorhens at one time — now only the occasional toad was left .
28 Perceived obstacles included the alleged complexity of on-line systems , especially when using several different sources ( although this is far less true than it used to be ) and the complexity of rate cards and billing ( and this , alas , is still very true of some service providers ) .
29 ‘ It 's much more important than it used to be , ’ concedes Martin Hawtree , Secretary of the British Association of Golf Course Architects ( BAGCA ) .
30 Now that fitted cupboards are commonplace in the home , storage is less of a problem than it used to be , but shelving and cupboards in living rooms , dining rooms and bedrooms is always useful .
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