Example sentences of "[subord] it be suggest that " in BNC.

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1 The matter is discussed in detail in Chapter 9 , where it is suggested that the quality of stock on the shelves can only be maintained through extensive stock revision , and that most public library authorities would at present benefit from allocating at least 40% of their bookfunds to stock revision .
2 The result is very different from the ideas expressed in chapter 6 , where it was suggested that one of the many results of the rise of material culture as a mode of cultural form was its ability to multiply and keep apart a plethora of hierarchies and diverse spheres .
3 There are no critical layout requirements although it is suggested that the decoupling capacitor , C1 , be placed close to the supply pins of the microcontroller IC1 .
4 There is no necessity for the agreement for lease to be under seal as the promise to grant and accept the lease will be adequate consideration , and although it is suggested that the agreement should be under seal if one or more of the parties is a company ( to secure the presumption of due execution ) in practice this is not usually done .
5 If it is suggested that you are not sufficiently flexible to adapt to the reshaped structure that is envisaged , you may be able to challenge that view if your past record shows a steady upward progression and if you have carried out a wide range of tasks without serious mishaps .
6 If the order is to be disrupted it is because one of the younger sons shows remarkable promise but being a ‘ family ’ anxious to demonstrate tolerance , envy and jealousy are masked and can certainly be dissipated if it is suggested that the elder brothers had a hand in the development .
7 The precedent suggests the inclusion of a plan and , while it is suggested that where the premises are clearly defined there is no necessity for a plan , there is little doubt that a plan stated to be for identification purposes ( and thereby preventing the plan from prevailing over the verbal description ) is advisable .
8 Even academics , who are supposed to embody the quintessence of detached assessment , somehow respond with a lack of enthusiasm when it is suggested that their own methods of teaching , research , or organization might benefit from review .
9 I find it odd when it is suggested that it would be better for other people to grow the tobacco and for us to import it — as though that would help the health of the Community .
10 Dan Wagoner 's own new work , first staged in Plymouth in October , has a jokey title , Turtles All The Way Down , and has something to do with a Bertrand Russell lecture when it was suggested that the Earth is not round but carried on the back of a giant tortoise which stands on turtles all the way down .
11 When it was suggested that the dredged-out silt could be used to cover a children 's playground , the National Radiological Protection Board ( NRPB ) advised against this , because of the contamination present .
12 A Baroque façade was added in the seventeenth-century but much of this was lost when it was suggested that it was shadowing the more important church of Santa Maria beside it .
13 When it was suggested that he would go to the tough Gordonstoun school , she put her foot down .
14 In this instance a direct challenge is made to the expertise of the teachers and their professional skills — areas that had been defended by the Curriculum Deputy when it was suggested that the Bursar might become involved in interviews for community posts .
15 When it was suggested that the upper skins had been forced off as a result of the inflation of the fixed tailplane by the pressurised air through the ruptured pressure dome escaping via the rear ( unpressurised ) part of the fuselage , I contended that it was necessary to have more reliable evidence than uncorroborated deduction before such a conclusion could be accepted .
16 This line of attack was given a great impetus when it was suggested that the wave/particle duality characteristic of light might be a universal phenomenon .
17 When it was suggested that estimation might be a useful skill when shopping in the supermarket , she replied , ‘ Yes , but we are not in the supermarket now ’ .
18 When it was suggested that Bill Pertwee might be a useful addition to the cast , Ken was consulted and took part in the audition , such as it was .
19 Even though it was suggested that such crises may at some point lead to a collapse of the system , this is not inevitable nor even highly probable .
20 Of course , this is mostly exaggeration , just as it is to suggest that most French club members are merely posers or that the Italians are concerned at keeping talented youngsters off the course unless they have royal blood , or at least one Ferrari .
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