Example sentences of "[subord] in the rest of " in BNC.

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1 There was also concern that groups were growing faster in the UK than in the rest of the world .
2 In defence of their economic record , government spokesmen have claimed that from the second quarter of 1983 the numbers in employment increased and that more jobs were being created in Britain than in the rest of the EEC states taken together .
3 Sales are usually much bigger in the run-up to Christmas than in the rest of the year , and low sales would indicate that consumer 's confidence is broken and would also harm business confidence .
4 Even now , according to internal polling , Labour is doing worse in London — some three points behind — than in the rest of the south .
5 Fourth , specialist producers , more common here than in the rest of the EC , will face greater income cuts than those with mixed holdings .
6 Prices in Greece and Portugal are also up to 40 per cent lower than in the rest of Europe .
7 The proportion of total employment coming from primary production and also from construction and services is , however , certainly much greater in the Highlands and Islands than in the rest of Scotland , and the share of manufacturing industry correspondingly smaller .
8 A. People in Northern Ireland have larger families than in the rest of the UK .
9 The study found that accounting standards in such countries as Italy , Portugal , Spain and Greece were considerably lower than in the rest of the EC .
10 Dried flowers , collections of country-style crockery , bottles and stoneware jars create a more rustic theme than in the rest of the house .
11 There are three times as many arrests in the capital than in the rest of the country .
12 It was noticeable that infringements occurred in the last quarter more than in the rest of the game and I put this down to tiredness and a resulting lack of concentration .
13 Inflation was steadier and growth stronger than in the rest of Africa .
14 This was no mere coincidence , for the oolitic limestone of the Cotswold Hills continues north-eastwards across Northamptonshire and Rutland and into Lincolnshire , taking in , on the way , Towcester hundred , which shows similar characteristics , and skirting the three hundreds of Buckingham , where people were marginally more prosperous than in the rest of north Buckinghamshire .
15 A strong bloc of townsmen worth £10 and upwards made the average wealth of Bodmin , Cornwall , a trifle higher than in the rest of Trigg hundred , even though the taxed wage earners , who formed a negligible element in the country parishes , exceeded 40 per cent in the borough itself , numbers which point to a concentration of men who had effectively severed kinship ties with the Celtic extended family that so influenced the social structure of many villages .
16 The faster rate of population growth in Siberia than in the rest of the country demonstrates the rapid and determined process of Siberia 's colonization , settlement and russification , and is explained by a number of factors .
17 Painted terracotta decorations for architecture are found in all areas of Greece in the archaic period and later ; figure-work too , but that is far commoner in the west than in the rest of Greece and reaches its acme in Etruria .
18 The overall increase in incidence was greater in the capital area than in the rest of Denmark , and by 1983–7 this difference reached statistical significance ( fig 3 ) .
19 The costs of training a student in London are no greater than in the rest of England .
20 This may be due partly to the fact that , compared to the University of Wales , the Polytechnic is a relatively new arrival on the higher education scene , and partly because of the Welsh tendency , even more marked than in the rest of the country , to regard technological education as less prestigious than that in pure science and humanities .
21 ( If , as on the Earth , there are outer ‘ shells ’ of oceans and atmosphere then tides will appear in these too and they will generally be greater than in the rest of the planet thus producing variations in oceanic and atmospheric thickness around the planet . )
22 ‘ A day of rest for most people , although I do more real work today than in the rest of the week put together . ’
23 Of course , there have been historical fluctuations in revolutionary activity , as well as considerable variations between societies — with revolutionary parties having had a greater influence in France and Italy than in the rest of Western and Northern Europe or in North America — but the predominant style of working-class politics everywhere has been reformist , directed toward a gradual attrition of the unregulated market economy .
24 When they also understand that housing costs play a proportionately lower part in pensioners ' expenditure in England than in the rest of Europe , they may be grateful for the way in which we have promoted home ownership .
25 higher than in the rest of the United Kingdom .
26 If that is so , presumably costs to industry will be that much lower here than in the rest of Europe , so there will not be equal competition with enterprises in the other 11 nations of the European Community .
27 UNEMPLOYMENT in oil-rich Grampian is rising three times faster than in the rest of Scotland , a report by regional economists revealed yesterday .
28 ‘ Unemployment is higher in Scotland than in Germany and I think it 's a lot worse here than in the rest of Britain . ’
29 In manufacturing industry where the US decline was sharpest , the rate of profit ( before taxation ) seems to have been significantly higher than in the rest of the ACCs ( 28 per cent over the years 1955–70 as against 23 per cent elsewhere ) .
30 The Communist vote was growing stronger in Fife and the Rhondda , though in the rest of Britain its record at by-elections was no better than that of the Independent Labour Party or other fringe groups .
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