Example sentences of "[subord] there [verb] ever been " in BNC.

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1 The twenty-four were tried by a court of law in the proper way , but the black community and the police began a dialogue that led to far better relations between the two than there had ever been before .
2 Cultural theorists fell on pop video with squeals of delight ( there is already more high theory of video around than there has ever been of music ) ; pop fans watching the Whistle Test 's weekly video vote just groaned .
3 As Henry watched her retreating buttocks , grinding out yet another dismissal , he tried to remember if there had ever been a time , years ago , when he had desired her .
4 ‘ There she is ! ’ cried her father , as if there had ever been any doubt about her arrival .
5 If there had ever been any chance that the Whigs might lose the support of the great mass of the population , the poor , the unpropertied , the emergent working class , that possibility had now gone .
6 He might add that , if there had ever been any prospect that the class war would provide its movement , that prospect had patently disappeared except , ironically , in those eastern European countries bound to submit to Russian supervision .
7 Anyway , there was no cover here , no escape , and I wondered idly if there had ever been a veterinary surgeon in the Glasshouse .
8 The charge was such an obvious frame-up that he had to ask himself if there had ever been any intention to try him on it .
9 If there had ever been a time when it had been a whim and not an obligation , that time was gone now ; the thing was there waiting for him , blocking his path , and there was no way round it to his manhood .
10 Five minutes later Tony and I were trudging through deep snow , wishing we had spared the time to search out the snow shoes and wondering whether there had ever been a previous occasion in Iceland when the approach of a car had been heralded by walkers .
11 What she could not decide was whether there had ever been anything to find .
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