Example sentences of "[subord] she closed [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 With a brief smile in the other woman 's direction , she fled , taking refuge in the consulting-room , where she closed her eyes and leaned against the closed door , breathing hard .
2 Jenna smiled up at him and his face tightened with desire , his eyes burning into hers until she closed her eyes and moved willingly against him .
3 If she closed her eyes she could see again those glittering lights and hear the gay , entrancing music .
4 He was right , she could breathe , but only if she closed her eyes so she could n't see the perspex two inches from her nose !
5 When she closed her eyes , the sun warm on her face , she recognised the perfume of the grasses as ones she had encountered before .
6 Even when she closed her eyes they were still daggered by its scintillations .
7 But now as she closed her eyes and remembered the scene she felt an old tugging sensation in the pit of her stomach .
8 As she closed her eyes , she wondered why she had not told them about Ben right from the beginning .
9 As she closed her eyes and began to relax , though , she was rather annoyed to find her thoughts drifting back to Julius .
10 It ca n't have been anything I 've said , or can it ? ’ he added as she closed her eyes .
11 As soon as she closed her eyes a dark , austerely handsome face filled her mind , crowding out the last of her lingering fright , and when she eventually managed to get back to sleep it was to dream of Michele Lorenzo once more .
12 She lay down again , hugging the quilt around her as she closed her eyes , longing for sleep to overcome her , to give her some release from these endless , plaguing thoughts .
13 His mouth met hers and her shocked little gasp turned to a moan of hunger as she closed her eyes and kissed him at last , at last , and the brandy glass fell from her hands , shattering at their feet as her arms went around his neck , her mouth opening hungrily beneath his , her hands in his black hair , her body pressing against his as they clung together with intolerable necessity , unaware of the fragments of glass they trampled as Damian pressed her tighter , tighter until there was not an inch between their bodies .
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