Example sentences of "[subord] they [verb] [vb pp] themselves " in BNC.

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1 And I think behind him had been one of the older woodchucks and João the electrician , except they 'd made themselves scarce commodities .
2 If they were here , 1 am sure that they would support new clause S. The reason that they are not here is because they feel that they would have to vote for new clause 5 if they were here , so they have absented themselves from the debate .
3 And once they had deluded themselves that the blacks were content , the whites were quite unable to recognise , let alone tackle , the real grievances that caused so many peasant farmers to side with the ‘ boys in the bush ’ .
4 Before she could comment he made the point that people did not switch off anger once they had extricated themselves from the risk of further suffering , especially not if they had leisure to reflect on injustice .
5 Erm and then once they 've organized themselves into these associations their first er job should be , or was perhaps , I 'm not he 's talking about what has actually happened I suppose
6 Even moving from high to low cost areas can raise difficulties — employees may doubt that they will ever be able to move back to their home areas or other more expensive regions once they have committed themselves to living in a lower cost housing area .
7 But once they have committed themselves to an investment or two , the potential of a larger portfolio appeals , and they plunge beyond the point of easy return .
8 Many intending emigrants cheerfully imagine that once they have settled themselves in a dream villa overseas , they are safely out of the clutches of the UK taxman .
9 Reciprocally , such families may receive financial remittances from their migrating members once they have established themselves , and those left behind may derive prestige in their local community from the successes of their sons in the cities or the new countries .
10 She did n't know if they had given themselves sufficient time to think things over before they married — that was the kind of question her sister Louise asked .
11 They could n't read or write , but Topaz longed to know about the world in which she lived , learn about strange lands beyond the seas , and the even more puzzling ways of the gaujos who spent their whole time shut up in houses made of bricks or stone , as if they had condemned themselves to perpetual imprisonment .
12 ‘ But we wo n't tell him until they have established themselves in our soil . ’
13 Manchester United looked like they had forced themselves into the second round of the UEFA Cup when they went two goals ahead after four spot kicks when Paul Ince and Denis Irwin buried their chances .
14 So they have they have in fact embarked on a course which now lets these newspapers really deliver them up on a plate I mean they can fry them , they can bake them , they can grill them , they can roast them because they 've put themselves in a position where they now deserve the criticism and the level of imagery which they 're getting .
15 Some passages stood out in his mind with almost photographic clarity , presumably because they had impressed themselves on his mind earlier .
16 They are frequently put in seclusion because they have mutilated themselves — a cruel and inappropriate response to terrible acts of self-harm .
17 Over the years many men have come to my clinic because they have considered themselves failures in one vital respect .
18 In pursuit of these rights , people will , because they have convinced themselves that justice demands it , inflict almost any harms on the rest of society and on themselves .
19 ‘ I am fasting to live in solidarity with all who suffer and are persecuted because they have committed themselves to social justice .
20 Indeed , successful environmental scanning draws attention to possible changes and events well before they have revealed themselves in a discernible manner .
21 It might be a silent death in bed after they 've let themselves in .
22 Such men and women were only permitted to enter the Temple after they had purified themselves in a special ritual bath , a specifically constructed natural gathering of water .
23 Quite suddenly , after they had refreshed themselves , the members of the garrison began to talk ; soon they were babbling away garrulously to their deliverers , laughing , cheering and even singing .
24 Or has this whole summer for Mansell been a fabrication of what he really felt , a means of getting out of his Ferrari contract by saying he was quitting and then holding Williams to ransom after they had backed themselves into a corner ?
25 After he had gone and after they had introduced themselves to each other , David Fairfax said reflectively , " I know that man .
26 After they have put themselves out to help , the other person makes it clear that help was n't wanted .
27 A thousand needs that I 've spent most of my teenage years pretending do n't exist , and when they 've made themselves felt , so strongly that I ca n't fail to be aware of them , I 've crushed them , trying to control my appetite and cravings in every way that I know , fighting a pointless and endless war against myself .
28 Thus they treated innovation with extreme caution , and employed advanced technology only when they had satisfied themselves that it could be incorporated without visible effect into their style of living .
29 When they had settled themselves in their corner , she showed every indication of making the conversational running : she was chirpy , sparkling — almost too much so , as if tensed up .
30 Parents often complain that they can only get help or support when they have identified themselves as having a specific problem , and it is not unusual for some families to have several different workers trying to offer support and advice on specific problems which , in reality , are part of a whole situation .
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