Example sentences of "[subord] he ought [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I told him he should be able to see the good in people as well as the evil , so he ought to be happier .
2 It was remarkably clean and well-maintained , and all the lights worked but Clive felt as if he ought to be wearing a pith helmet , and carrying a hunting rifle that could bring down a charging rhino at fifty paces .
3 He wondered if he ought to be very formal .
4 Rich Adrian , who looked as if he ought to be at public school , only his parents did n't believe in it , even thought they had pots of cash .
5 About this time he started to wonder whether he ought to be a monk .
6 Both Sonatas are cleanly played , but the inner momentum of Rachmaninov 's first movement is lost : Yo-Yo Ma too often takes a back seat when he ought to be showing the lead , and this affects the balance .
7 Matt 's pretty fit from all those outdoor movies where they put olive oil on his pectorals ( though not as fit as he ought to be ) and the two of us gave the crew a bit of a hard time , said union rules did n't apply in the Jungle , and so on .
8 As for the metaphor of ‘ law ’ , its persisting power is evident whenever someone , pondering the determinist thesis that even his own actions are ‘ bound by ’ , are ‘ subject to ’ , ‘ obey ’ the laws of nature , finds himself thinking as though he ought to be conscious of his own resisting will , as he is when submitting to human laws .
9 Looks as though he ought to be !
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