Example sentences of "[subord] he have come to " in BNC.

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1 Once he had come to the throne , Charles quickly answered this call for religious change by promoting notable Arminians to positions of prominence in both church and state .
2 I asked Kagan if he had come to me knowing that I was an intimate friend of the man concerned .
3 Then it was as if he had come to a decision . ’
4 Then , while shopping in Fore Street one morning , he was approached by Timothy Gedge , who smiled at him as though nothing untoward had occurred between them and asked if he had come to a decision about donating the curtains .
5 But whereas he had come to the conclusion by the beginning of 1936 that Mussolini was probably not the man to play this game , he remained cautiously optimistic that Hitler might be .
6 He would go and see him as soon as they got back to school and tell him everything that had happened since he had come to the school .
7 At the same Salon in the following year , after he had come to Paris , his entries were included in the Cubist room , and by 1913 his work was beginning to attract special attention .
8 But at least , he thought as he gave a final wave , she had n't asked him whether he had come to Norfolk to help catch the Whistler .
9 Mickey Morris , having left school with a grade 1 CSE , ‘ managed to scrape four ‘ O ’ levels at college' and then progressed admirably through the internal examination system of the Department of Health and Social Security ; but not before he had come to terms with what he called ‘ a home truth ’ .
10 He had bought a copy of The Times before he had come to The Randolph that morning , but hitherto had not even glanced at the headlines .
11 He released her as suddenly as he had come to her support and she grasped quickly and covertly at the back of another chair , not wanting him to know that her numbed leg was tingling painfully now .
12 ‘ Little Willy ’ , as he had come to be nicknamed in Britain , was probably one of the most maligned figures of the whole war .
13 ( But by the way , do n't look for Michael Palin 's name in this year 's programme , even though he has come to us every ‘ odd ’ year since 1981 .
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