Example sentences of "[subord] you [vb past] a lot " in BNC.

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1 Er it 's not like if you had a lot of people in the flats who were all working up at for example , you 'd have a lot more kind of community spirit going , and a lot , and a lot more common erm feeling , I think , between people .
2 Well for most we try and work a Shorthorn for I think that the Shorthorn and the black bull is the true traditional cattle you know maybe and I do n't believe for one minute that the the cattle would be any better if you had a lot of Limousins or something else .
3 For example , you could use some locally made fabric as a background , or if you spent a lot of time of the beach , you could press some seaweed and later incorporate it into the picture .
4 But unless you spent a lot on flowers and balls for the children and on Mary 's birthday present , considering that you had our 15/ and some 5/ or more yes more of your own a month ago , on which no calls but fares need have been made , to which was added about 30/ ( or more ? ) lately , and from it all not 30/ was spent on the dress , you should have a sovereign left : add to this the wages of this month to come , and there should remain , after 35/ to the spectacle man , fully a sovereign , which , considering our needs for the future & also your promises , nay , certainties , at which I laughed , should go to the bank .
5 Oh yeah because you got a lot did n't you ?
6 Cos it was good to have them when you were pushed when you had a lot of of work to do .
7 I mean it 's not as though you made a lot of effort , it wo n't take us long to nip over can always have look around that furniture place and our carpets I know that 's one of these cos I got that .
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