Example sentences of "[subord] [conj] [pron] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where if you go with me , then you can put it in the car .
2 Far better that workers adopt an ‘ I ’ m all right Jack ’ mentality coupled with the chance to make a bit on the side than that they go on strike and make demands for higher wages in their main jobs .
3 Your home will not suffer for a couple of weeks without anyone to look after it any more than when you go on holiday .
4 Cos if I go to the college I might be able to get a flat .
5 Yes sure , the card itself er is authorisation that is signed by er an officer of at least the rank of Assistant Chief Constable and er it 's a firearms authorisation that enables us or as an individual , to be issued with a firearm that is named on this card , er for that particular type of weapon er if if we go to a firearms operation .
6 Well if y you if if you go to a BUPA hospital you go pa you pay a sort of erm , you know , related type of
7 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
8 Or one other word which is to say that sponsorship is enabling because if you go into a partnership like A B S A it enables you to get the gov similar government funding .
9 Now it 's easy when you deal in numbers like that because if you go to sixteen
10 But like , like erm that 'd be quite good because if I go to someone else 's house like , you do n't wan na be sort of like , messing about with all , all the stuff , you have n't got anything to mess about with , do your hair or whatever can you ?
11 Oh , but you see that , that , that does n't always apply , because if I go into the library and I take it with me and I sit by er , that gentleman who keeps handing me the paper or that lady you know
12 because when they go on coach trips
13 I hate , it 's so irritating because when I go to , to bed , I 'm never tired .
14 Whereas if we go on the back of something else or somebody else as as you were saying on on the back of a wedding er brochure or something like that , in other words , go down down a specialized avenue rather than a general one , you might achieve something better .
15 In compass we very rarely have problems with actors , whereas if you go to Stratford it 's very hard to find anyone who 's really happy .
16 hit the top end get a cross-section o of , but you still get the same , ultimately the same sorts of results erm by , by erm by adopting that policy whereas if you go for trying to draw distinctions , you end up erm
17 Whereas if you go for a degree of inequality within the countryside , A you will have , you might get the same , same tax yield because you , you have a higher rate of tax on the rich and their revenue 's going up so that tax revenue will increase
18 We must have been closer friends than I recall , for as I go through my library 40 years later , I find quite a number of splendid books inscribed ‘ in friendship ’ from Andrew in his scrawling hand , including Henrik van Loon 's ‘ Book of Lives ’ , ‘ One Men 's Meat ’ by E.B. White , ‘ Women in Love ’ by D.H .
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