Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] 's possible [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It does indeed get dark at a sensible time so it 's possible to go to bed before about one in the morning .
2 It also has V42 error correction and V42bis/MNP5 data compression , so it 's possible to get a 2,400 bps modem handling data at four times that rate .
3 If it 's possible to put the fear of God into a nation of atheistic bastards , then the Chinks appear to have done it .
4 Mr Hunt said the defence will be visiting her today ‘ to see if it 's possible to continue with the trial , whether she is able to continue attending or not ’ .
5 Mr Hunt said the defence would be visiting her today ‘ to see if it 's possible to continue with the trial , whether she is able to continue attending or not ’ .
6 Ms Li said : ‘ I do n't know if it 's possible to have less confidence in the future than people already have , but I 'm certain it will decrease confidence in the British Government . ’
7 Think about how the room is to be used ( for example ) , will you want to eat there ? ) and find out if it 's possible to re-arrange the room to make better use of the available space .
8 My friend uses Pagemaker 4 and Windows Write and wants to know if it 's possible to get hold of Portuguese and German spell checkers to use with letters and documents created using Write .
9 Q I am building my fish pond and I would be grateful if you could tell me if it 's possible to keep Koi without pumps and filters .
10 I just want to know those three things — the extent of the damage , the location of this ticking noise and to see if it 's possible to remove this atom bomb or whatever , which I 'm convinced in advance is impossible .
11 Good afternoon , erm I wonder if it 's possible to book a table for high tea on er Tuesday the twenty first , that 's er Easter Tuesday
12 Now the important thing about the toxin is not so much that it can paralyse its victim , but that biologists can use it , and they can use it because it 's possible to label the toxin radioactively and then employ this to look at the distribution of receptors in patients with miocenia and characterise the receptors in other ways .
13 Is n't it strange that men never seem to wonder whether it 's possible to love two women at once ?
14 My only slight reservation is whether it 's possible to have , t t to move an amendment to standing order .
15 To be plain , I 'm a bit exhausted , secretly , about the intellectual advantages that are supposed ( by intellectuals ) to accrue from being physically underendowed or peculiar-looking , though it 's possible to keep up the front in public and many a gulled beloved has supposed that this joke of a frame is where my energy comes from .
16 Erm generally , the er design of the houses compliments those which have already been built at the er , Southern Way and the side of the Ayletts Field , and the extension to Fern Hill er , in terms of their materials in terms of the landscaping , and they will er , as close as it 's possible to do match the refurbished bungalows in terms of including features such as block paving and erm car ports .
17 On the contrary , politically they are as far right as it 's possible to go without failing off the edge .
18 For Hazel ‘ Jacky Gauld ’ , with fully double rosebud flowers in a lovely lilac-pink shade , is as near perfection as it 's possible to get .
19 It 's as unlike the usual fish-and-chippery as it 's possible to get if you 're buying from Magnet Southern 's : the lad 's even blown his brass on carpets and chandeliers .
20 SUNSCREEM ARE about as far removed from rock music and spurious notions of ‘ cutting it live ’ as it 's possible to get , but as one of the few rave-oriented acts around who actually play live they could teach a lot of aspiring indie acts a thing or seven about live entertainment .
21 One 's a volatilized mixture of puffer venom and umpteen different plants — it slows the metabolic processes of the body to as near to full stop as it 's possible to get . ’
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